Sidebar Submission

1  2018-11-12 by SpudsCuckley


Yayyye, grandma is dead.

Shitty parents beget shitty kids

Big smiles now!

One day it will be Anthony laying there with Joe and his wife dancing around it

Anthony will only get a funeral if Dawn is still around to plan it. Otherwise, Anth will just get tossed naked into a dumpster outside The Compound as Joe moves into his new home.

We're in the money, we're in the money.

:::::::jazz hands:::::::

Family is off limits!!!

Hell yes

Brother Joe: "Those redditards who wrote on mom's virtual funeral book think they got to us but we'll show them they don't bother us.! I said, kids smile. YOU KIDS BETTER FUCKING SMILE OR I'LL BEAT YOUR FACES IN WITH A FRYING PAN!!! There we go. (Click)"

who takes a photo of a casket and then posts it online. I swear, the Cumias are Irish Travelers.

Subhuman garbage.

To be fair, they haven't seen that dumb bitch in the box for 5+ years. There wasn't much of a relationship.

The only reason Ant went to the funeral.

The whole family is so addicted to computer and smartphones that his daughter brought a laptop to a fucking funeral.