REMINDER: Ariana Grande's family almost let her get married to this

1  2018-11-12 by YeIsAltRight


Her family didn't like Pete but they said nothing. She only found out after they broke up.

They know where the $$$ comes in from don’t want that gravy train drying up. Also she’s full Italian.... further proof they are not whites.

She's basically Rachel Dolezal though. She's LARP'ing as coloured. Pictures of her when she's younger make her look like a regular little white girl.

She is cosplaying as a dumb puerto rican

faggot, why dye your hair grey, at all even?

He has the orange jumpsuit. All we need is a masked man with a rusty knife standing behind him...

Ariana Grande has no tits and a hairy butthole.

Nice Ace Ventura smile, stupid.