Your playing field is anything but level - 9/20/18

1  2018-11-11 by crookedmile


2 bullets in a subhuman white boi head 💥💥

Can't wait until you have a nervous breakdown and pull a Kuhn.

I'm takin out di white boi dem

Shush, moon-cricket.

Right now Hannity is scrambling for his phone to call his program director and clear their guests for the week so they can discuss the cruel injustices facing a fake guitar player from Long Island.

They're both racist idiots, problem solved.

Congratulations, folks: you've broken Joe to the point where he's publicly naming-and-shaming racists.

Niggers really don't understand the neanderthal thing. When it's present to some degree in nearly every race but blacks, the conclusion is that it's actually niggers who are literally not people.