Greatest Anthony Cumia impression of all time

1  2018-11-11 by Randamaang


What the fuck?

He did this a few times but it was a shitty impression of jim before and he later deleted them. I think he's just a drunken retard which is actually more similar to ant than his attempted impression.

Yeah my impression of Jimmy sucked so I deleted them. My dream is to one day do a Joe DeRosa roast and bomb harder than Ant did at Big Jay, but sadly I realise this is heartbreakingly impossible

Don't sell yourself short, buddy.

You’re right ! You’ve inspired me sir, I’m gonna do it

How long until you delete this, realising it sucks, too?

I like it.

I don't know why, but I really like this faggot.

Agreed. This had me howlin’.

Who is that? He didn't sound gay but otherwise spot on.

show us your belly button or gtfo

dis guys gud

I like it

Your ambiguous ethnicity intrigues me.

Very Cumia-like

A little less niggerish but I get your point. This guy could pass as a Black Irish drunkard, an overly enthusiastic Greek waiter or some kind of Balkan war criminal.

Hah hah hah ho ho ho holeeee shit!

Now use those earbuds to do a Steve C. impression.

Home run retard!

Thank you sir your kind words propel me along on my comedy dreams, you are the wind beneath my wings

Your "impression" involved saying "I am Anthony Cumia" three times in a row and I'm still not sure who this was supposed to be.


Anthony Cumia


He used to be a radio repairman or something. I think he died recently

In all fairness, if it was Ant doing the impression he'd be doing the same thing. "I'm DICIS" "I'm over here now, I'm DICIS" "cuz its me, DICIS!"

Nice shirt, stupid

You need to poke your face repeatedly with an ice pick. And drink lots more while screaming for your cousin that you want to fuck. Or at least bad karaoke.

Better than jim and sam but not good

He’s only wearing one shirt and then it gets worse from there. Just wearing two shirts would’ve been as low as the bar should go and he went beneath this. Death is too good for him.

well,i liked the shirt

This bit's got legs

He forgot to say “allllllright”

I thought it was actually Anthony

No offense but you probably shouldn't be alive at all

I thought you were SourShoes at first. First rule of impressions is don't constantly say who you are impersonating. Should call you ShitShoes

I really like this and encourage you to do more. Any Ant impression requires a Ho-Lee-shit though.

I imagine this is every talent agency rep in Hollywood. I feel like this guy calls everybody "baby."

Listen fellas, repeatedly saying “I’m (insert name here)” is the cornerstone of any great impression, everybody knows that. Eg. “I’m Abraham Lincoln” “I’m Abraham Lincoln” etc. Its what every great impressionist has done since the dawn of time

You’re a weird guy Ace, a weird guy