I think it’s time we knock this retard down a peg.

1  2018-11-11 by RBuddCumia


wearing the Rolex Louis CK gave to him. It is a nice watch.

look who hes married to. thats bad enough

where's the free bowl of soup he got with that hat?

The time to knock Vos down a peg is never.

All of you gonna be sad as fuck when he dies.

Do you think that watch is real.

Leave the jew alone

Go away Opester.

I strongly disagree.

K.I.K.E. 1 to K.I.K.E. 12

Bonnie has his peg in a jar. That's as bad as it's getting.

By legend he means myth.

Wouldn’t this be punching down for us?

How dare you.

You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Good luck in your hopeless endeavor though, Vos the unflappable.

How bout you go fuck yourself buddy. The man'sh a legschend.


He was already on the lowest peg

never cared about this hack