Your typical Compound subscriber

1  2018-11-10 by CaptainR3dbeard85


Someone tell Luis to keep better watch over Big Jay.

How would you not realize?

Your run of the mill laziness

mental illness, dude.

Think how bad he must have smelled before he shit his pants for this to not even make an impact.

The answer is that he possesses an Arkansas driver's license.

Typical Wal-Mart customer. If you are ever feeling bad about yourself and need a pick me up...walk around Wal-Mart. It's better than any anti-depressant

Seriously, and this goes for any neighborhood. Even locations in places with high property values seem to attract the dregs of society from God knows where. Fucking mutants wandering around WalMart, but Goddamnit do they have low everyday prices!

Because when a new Walmart opens in a nice neighborhood the trash in the nearby neighborhoods flock to it because it’s not a shithole like theirs.

The kind of fancy Walmart where you don't get maced by some welfare queen because you were ghetto enough to line up on a black Friday.

Yeah. Big downer when they removed Staples and Barnes and Noble from my neighborhood and replaced them with a Buffalo Wild Wings and a Target, respectively. I moved to this neighborhood 8 years ago and it has steadily declined. There is a huge bank that is now unoccupied right by the train and I hope that it becomes a condo and not a liquor store or a check cashing place.

Typical white Wal-Mart customer.

Because the black Wal-Mart customers are so classy?

His vote counts as much as yours

Yeah, not at all.

if hes in the same district

The most shocking part of this picture is that he appears to be grabbing a water.

God, I hate the public at large.

What's wrong here?

Typical Compound Media host

My God. Looks like a bottle of brown mustard exploded inside his asshole.

For a guy who does that in his pants....he should look at dark underwear. Or, not shoot feces into his jockeys.

Looks like Artie dropped his bent spoon.

The scent was intoxicating

What's worse? This or Lady Di's natty iced panties?

Where did you find this picture of me

Shart in mart

This picture is what sets the brotherman apart from the civilian. The civvy looks at this picture and recoils in disgust at this obese man's awful shitty ass. A true brotherman looks at this picture and sees his chance to "go all in" on a viral video by giving himself a shit mustache.

Fawkin tru brotherman

Dropping Hammers

All white people on that forum, reddit faggots are afraid to post anything negative about minorities?

Believe me, they post a lot of trashy black people too

Those underwear would have disintegrated many moons ago, but thankfully their now comprised of 40% feces which acts as a reinforcer/binding agent with the existing cotton.