Jamie, pull up shoe lifts

1  2018-11-10 by Tippy_Toms_Shitlogs


They better keep a eye on Joe he might trip and fall into mud puddle then drown

Is this a racist comment against his wife's vagina which has been sullied by black penis much like a pool of water filled with Mexicans.

I loffed

Aw little fella, show us your Tae Kwon Do kicks buddy

This is my favorite Joe Rogan pic

"Why are you guys making fun of his height so much?" - unfunny short guys

This made me laugh.

One of those “unfuckable white dudes” Rogan talks about meeting during his syfy show.

I just listened to the Michael Malice episode of JRE. At one point they're talking about Roseanne, and Joe is convinced the rating took a total shit after they kicked Roseanne off. Jamie pulls up evidence to the contrary, and Joe basically berates him and completely condescends to him because the article Jamie found was from Vulture, which skews hard left/feminist. But if you do a Google search anywhere, you could clearly see "The Connors" dipped but (sadly) actually did ok, and I think they even ordered a 2nd season. Joe wanted to hear none of this, and completely ignored the evidence.

It's because the show is about to be cancelled. As Joe mentioned, they only ordered one more episode to send it off.