Love it when Landau gives life lessons in a douche hipster voice

1  2018-11-10 by HitWithTheWOWeffect


You watch that shit?

Came across the YouTube clip about Artie, no.

Love it when idiots out themselves as subscribers to that shit.

"...sooo who else thought Jim and Sam sucked again today? This is the third time they had on a UFC guy this week." Proceeds to be call retarded. Sigh, people just never learn.

Who is the bigget faggot?

They getting paid to sound like a faggot

Or the guy paying to listen to faggots?

You're the only one who watches it.

I've probably only heard his voice from one of the docs, if I've even heard it at all. I have no idea what he sounds like or what he talks about. But I sure do know he's a fag.