New character: Political strategist Joe

1  2018-11-10 by CouchGrouch


This man makes me want to become one of them liberal faggots

Well I've learned that chappofags hate liberals because they feel they aren't left wing enough.. bourgeois and shit.

One day the proletariat will cast off the shackles of faggotry and rise up against the capitalist fags!

"Let the enemy dictate your actions"

Perfect strategy big brain

"the enemy?" as in, your fellow Americans? (don't you fucking say "fake news" or "the media") ...don't get me wrong, I agree it's a stupid strategy. But when you fight your brothers in public, all onlookers say is "Wow, that family is screwed up."

...or , "Nice inner hangups, stupid."

I think he meant enemy in a "the art of war" way.

I see your point, but I doubt Joe knows anything about art or war.

Ooooh, my brother, my neighbor, I must not threaten a fellow TRAVELER, maaaaan!

Someone who self describes as your enemy is your enemy, numbskull.

This is the type of lunacy cultists babble about.

And Anthony is the one that got kicked of Twitter....

Every-time he writes a sentence a United States Marine dies.

Silver linings

Maybe that's what Jesse Ventura meant when Chris Kyle decked him.

I won!

"Crish Kyull wuzsh a ly-yer!"

We’ve got to get this guy into the oval office! He’s a guy i could see myself having a glass of child spit with

Everything that joe bitches about when it comes to leftists are things that him and his faggot brother did and said about Obama.

Joe should die and I hope his wife gets cervical cancer.

I like this bit

Suerprise, suerprise, his solution is doxing ppl.

I really want to point at left-wingers as the childish side, but then you have oxygen hoggers like this fucking homo. Typical fucking high-school dropout nigger.

The left are the childish side, they throw tantrums over the tiniest percieved slight and try to get people fired.

The problem is, the right are fucking lunatics.

Muh the left are lunatics too! don't forget the weathermen from 50 years ago!

I agree but also Nana called a dudes dean to get him kicked out and doxxed people to get them fired.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying that that kind of shit is exclusive to either side. I'm saying the reasons why differ mainly.

The left will cry because you say "Hey, maybe we shouldn't enforce diversity quotas", the right will cry because you point out that putting river rocks in classrooms so children can throw them at potential school shooters is fucking retarded.

I dont get how people can say one side is more childish than the other. The baseline for political discourse has become inherently childish and anything more than that is just difference in clothing. If you look at politics ,its populated by actors and lawyers, imagine the fanbase of that particular bland subculture. They're just sports fans that are too pussy to get into actual fights.



Karl Roving Idiot

What a fucking moron.

This man needs a job.

I love how JemkemJoe went from sensible(putting known extremist left wing violent members under investigation) to denying basic human rights to jis ex wife. Also nice how is not for actually denying any rights to would-be terrorists,just regular people like his wife and daughter.

Faggot blogger.