Now that Brother Joe has been kicked out of his U2 wannabe band, will Nanas allowance checks go up?

1  2018-11-10 by JimsJarOfMustard

.....What's a frail old woman to do with such a needy sibling?


When did this happen

Not sure, apparently it was revealed on one of those podcasts.

They decided to bring back Gene and gave Solo Joe the ol' heave ho.

How do you get kicked out of your own band?

When every other member has a pow wow about your facebook, twitter feed and the "reddit issue"?

I guess if anyone could be booted from his own project it’d be Bro Joe.

Well, look what happened to Axel also.

Axel at least kept the band name.

"Roses and Guns"

We should start getting them booked at big venues.

No affect on their lives

I need this info! this is like x-mas early!

We should put amazing reviews of 2U out now

I need links

It happened. Don't worry about it.

all I needed to hear. niccce.