The real reason people don't like Nia

1  2018-11-10 by YeIsAltRight


fair enough

A confession.

You are braver than 99.9% of people on this sub.

Agreed. I am tired of people here hiding and sugar-coating their racism with phrases such as "ugly nigger cunt", "disgusting ape woman" when talking about Nia...

i don't see color

sure do smell it though

White guilt ridden faggot

Right there, mirror to the people's stupid fucking faces.

I hate her because she's the kind of person who complains and withholds a tip because her french onion soup has soggy bread in it.

Agreed. I am tired of people here hiding and sugar-coating their racism with phrases such as "ugly nigger cunt", "disgusting ape woman" when talking about Nia...