Anthony blew his load watching this while Joe was upstairs handing out Halloween candy with an erection

1  2018-11-09 by crookedmile


I now have an erection. Dawn is sexy.

Big fan of Dawny and them butt cheeks.


Oh she's lovely. I'm going to fantasize about her being naked under that onesy.

I always wanted to insert my penis into Dawn Cumia.

She is the only good thing that came out of that family. The other 2 ended up as pieces of shit.

I'd suck the farts right out of her brown eye

Your in luck. Brown is the only color they can produce.

Non note carrying bitch. I'd give her a mediocre rogering as punishment

Wish I never heard her voice

She's Anthony's twin. Such a homely broad.

She could only get the poor man's Brothaman.

Why do they all like doing karaoke... And what the fuck is up with the bag of garbage hanging up in the corner...