
1  2018-11-09 by RBuddCumia


Alt Right NPC Joe is exhausting

As gay as DeNiro's political pandering is, it pleases me greatly that one of Ant and Joe's biggest tough-guy idols is such faggot lefty.

They unconsciously look up to DeNiro because they resemble his children

This man is infuriatingly stupid. I have to keep reminding myself that he's sixty years old. What the fuck is he talking about anyway? You'll never see this in the real world again. What James Woods and De Niro together? It wasn't from the real world it was from a movie. And we did see it again, in Casino. I can't believe how stupid he is.

He truly is a boob.

He didn't even use the term cuck? He's slipping.

This post was all Joe did today

Took him 6 hours to come up with it. Almost a full work day

Remember when Joe had his ugly old cunt of a wife film him taking a framed DeNiro poster out of his house and throwing it in the trash?

Much laughs were had at Joe that day.

he really hopes james woods will tweet back "haha exactly! cool music btw!"

but instead he gets pictures of his dead mum sucking dick

His daughter's inevitable teenage pregnancy at the hands of a black guy can't come soon enough.

Sooooo Anthony

That second hash tag of his is really catchy.

Joe wants to be friends with James Woods so fucking badly.

Sorry Joe, James and his massive cock have better things to do than hang with you. He was the voice of Hades for God's sake.

Next to Artie and Bobo, Joe is the most exhausting person in the O&A universe.

Makes sense that he loves James Woods, considering he was just complaining about how all celebrities should shut the fuck up about politics.

It must really bother Joe that Bobby D is a liberal.




Sooooo Anthony