Let’s talk politics.

1  2018-11-09 by CouchGrouch

Okay, so I’m tired of you retards giving me the ol “Yeah liberals may be bad, but republicans are bad too!” argument, but no I disagree.

Fact: Republicans literally just want your money and they want to make the rich richer. They don’t really care who you fuck in 2018, they don’t really care what you put into your body and they don’t care what you say on the internet. They just want your fucking money.

LIBTARDS on the other hand NOT ONLY want your money and to make the rich richer (the rich got richer under OBAMA you retards) but they also wanna lock you in a cage for your thoughts, they wanna put high ass taxes on sugar and alcohol, they wanna make private/homeschooling illegal, they wanna take your kids if you don’t agree that they’re trannies, they wanna open the borders and flood the nation with immigrants, they wanna slowly but surely ban guns, and they literally want to control every aspect of your life.

With liberals, sugar is too bad for you to consume, so we’ll tax the hell out of it for your protection (to create a slush fund), but hey if you wanna take loads in your asshole and smoke pot all day, who are we to judge?

If you vote dem in 2018 you’re a loser. Plain and simple.

Can’t believe I’m the side of Brother Joe for once.


Let’s not. Fuck off.

Didn’t have to click this thread you attention seeking FAGGOT

Are you BROTHER JOE? He's the first retard I can think of who loves to capitalise RANDOM WORDS.

How many drafts of this book that no one is going to read did you go through?

Literally typed this up in about 3 minutes. My IQ is above 85 unlike yours.

Did you fucking tip your fedora at your screen after you hit post?

I went to check back on this thread and the fag deleted his entire account lol

Thanks for plagiarizing me Amy!



I say "I honestly can't remember laughing at one joke all season" to start a post and suddenly you're posting that exact sentence to the Always Sunny sub.

Yes I wanted to see the reaction it’d get in that subreddit you pathetic loser. Sorry I took your shitty reddit comment without crediting you. Would you like your royalties check now or later?

Lmao sad like a desperate woman.

How about you write your own thoughts on television shows instead of stealing mine and trying to pass them off as their own?

I certainly have no plans to copy your dumb rant on how LIBTARDS want to LOCK ME IN A CAGE FOR MY THOUGHTS and post it anywhere else under the guise these words are coming from me.

It wasn’t that serious retard. I read your comment and though “Lol I wonder how the pussy liberals over at the always sunny sub would react to this” and then posted it there.

God you’re pathetic.

Okay Amy downplay the theft lol it wasn't that serious gosh nobody cares

Imagine comparing someone reposting a comment you made on reddit to the appropriate subreddit the comment was originally aimed at TO an actual professional comedian stealing entire bits and then profiting off of them.

LMAO the delusions of grandeur on this guy.

Either way you're a retarded thieving cunt.

It wasn’t serious, but it’s weird.

Politics are for women and blacks

and blacks


Yeah and those cunts and spooks are systematically changing your nation into a country where you have no place.

Whatever dude, shits boring, who cares

This is the shit that should be removed from the sub instead of the street defecation threads.

There are whole subreddits for politics, kindly come back here and shut up.



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Yeah, yeah, all about freedom of speech unless you’re a Dixie Chick or Janet Jackson’s breast. All about freedom and privacy unless you want an abortion. All about the government staying out of your life unless it has a damn good reason except when it involves the Byzantine criminal justice system that’s basucally become a sin tax collection agency. All about the death penalty for people but when a company creates a defective product that kills a kid they want tort reform to prevent the corporation from being bankrupted and essentially getting the civil death penalty. Both parties are full of shit. Anyone who roots for either side is a retard. That said, it’s currently impossible to vote for a party that insists on demonizing white men and that now shames white women as well for not blindly sanctioning their bullshit.

when a company creates a defective product that kills a kid

Leave Vizio out of this!

Yeah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!

No ones going to talk politics with you faggot go watch some Red Eye re-runs queer


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Can’t believe I’m the side of Brother Joe for once.

Congratulations, you're a fucking retard


Thanks for opening our eyes. Deep

Nice faggy username, grandpa.

Literally typed this up in about 3 minutes. My IQ is above 85 unlike yours.

I went to check back on this thread and the fag deleted his entire account lol