I don’t usually watch daytime TV...

1  2018-11-09 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

...as I’m usually employed. I’m in a pizza place right now and there is a show called “The Chat” and it is 3 female apes and an Asian broad just babbling NONSENSE. IT IS FUCKING INFURIATING!!! Right now, fattie is talking about overeating (big surprise) and that segued into a discussion regarding bobby pins and their fake hair. This is like a slightly more civil discussion that I would witness on an uptown 6 train. I can’t believe these people get paid for this shit.


The only good day time TV is Maury: Baby Daddy episode.

'cant believe believe these people get paid for this shit' is everything i think about the entire world

Man I can't stand these fucking tampon commercials. Hey retards, knock knock, my vagina doesn't bleed every month cause I have a dick! Fucking idiots! Who the hell is buying these tampons? I've honestly never purchased one in my life, how are they making all this money to have all these FUCKING INFURIATING commercials!

Good one. I get it.