So cool! So Progressive!

1  2018-11-09 by unclepaul84


I honestly can't remember laughing at one joke all season.

There was the episode where the guys can't get out of an escape room because they're men and men are stubborn shitheads who refuse to cooperate. Written by a woman.

There was the all-women episode. Written by two women.

There was the #MeToo episode. Written by a woman.

There was the transexuals using the bathroom episode. Written by a woman.

Also, let's make sure to end the season on a humorless interpretive dance about Mac coming to terms with his sexuality. Hannah Gadsby's Nanette changed comedy and let us know there are things more important than silly punchlines and humor. Every writer's room on television needs to be stocked with female comedy writers because every show needs to pander to woke liberals, no exceptions.

Far cry from the first episode "The Gang Gets Racist"

I stopped watching a few seasons ago. I can't believe they made Mac a queer

The only thing I can remember laughing at was Frank's swollen head in this last episode, but it was only for a few scenes and it was only funny because of how grotesque he looked.

He reminded me of Bobby

Let’s be honest. Dennis is that show. Never thought of it prior to this season, but you don’t know what ya got till it’s gone. Fantasy sports and his Prius was a good episode in a pile of dog Shit

the superbowl episode showed how much he's needed, they had to make mac into the sensible one and d it didn't work. worst season of the show by far.

watching the football episode last week i realized that sunny had finally followed through on its suicide threats

not being funny and not trying to be funny is an important distinction

I haven't watched in at least a couple seasons, but always loved this show.

I'm very disappointed by this news of it's castration.

It’s been on way too long, they are out of ideas. They should just end before the show is a complete SJW Shitshow. The sad thing is we will never have another show like Sunny. 5 despicable loser white people, that went for funny before feelings. It was Seinfeld’s true replacement. Now we have reboots, terrible diversity shows that get it all wrong, and feelings before comedy.

You aren't watching the new Murphy Brown and laughing your balls off?

Was Murphy Brown even considered a good show in the early 90s?

Sort of, but there weren't a lot of options back then either. The reboot is unwatchable on any level though.

Stopped watching this show after the Jersey Shore episode. Don’t miss it

Mac's looking damn good.

Fucking Mac is a transformer, I haven’t watched the last couple of seasons but I watched them all back when every episode was on Netflix

Its gone to complete dogshit now. Ah well.

Even the bad always sunny episodes are entertaining. This was by far the laziest written and most boring episode. They actually tried to have a serious moment. What the fuck? Who is writing this garbage? Women, I assume?