Gavin McInnes Wife

1  2018-11-09 by crookedmile


I just watched that last night. Love the Chief.

We would talk on the phone for hours

We would send each other smoke signals for days

The movie is good, but it's one of the few times I'm willing to be "that guy" and say the book is much better.

they just added the movie to amazon prime if you're interested.

Thank you



Cheswick is the Whatley of the Cuckoo's Nest.

Yeah Im not

Conversely, Kubrick’s “The Shining” is better than Stephen King’s book.

nah the movie leaves out a lot of the maze/topiary scenes that are really scary. The old lady tits are worth it I, guess.

You're not wrong...

“Schizophrenic reaction?” Alvin asks. Pipe shakes his head. “Latent Homosexual with Reaction Formation?” the third one says. Pipe shakes his head again and shuts his eyes. “No,” he says and smiles round the room, “Negative Oedipal.” They all congratulate him

His jawline isn’t as square as hers otherwise accurate.

No wonder why he ran his car off the road with his wife in the passenger seat

Too thin

Venerate the Chinook

Venerate your Beard

Looks like she might’ve played some football.

Gavin reminds of the closeted gay priests at my church. They'd set off my Gaydar because their hair was always perfect and their clothes were neatly pressed.

Dude has a pretty pink hairless asshole he’s definitely gay

I had a priest like that, nice gut but set off my gaydar. He ended up getting arrested for jerking off on the freeway where a truck driver driving next to him could see

Totally. We had tons of gay people in the church. All the nuns were raging lesbians and lived in a giant convent together. I'd estimate about 25% of the priests were gay.

honestly it makes sense if you're a gay christian to become a priest because you would take a vow of celibacy so hypothetically you would never fuck another guy.

i'm almost insulted you think you have to explain that reference to one of my favorite movies of all time. Although it seems Gavin has been more fashionisto lately, with his choices of suits etc.

Yea we had a few nuns, one in charge of the religious education was just dykey as all get out. The other was somewhat dykey, but the sweetest woman you'd wanna meet. The priest was a really nice guy (I worked there all through hs and never once did he do anything innapropriate, make a pass at me, etc (I think I was a decent looking 10th grader, but maybe I wasn't his type) so I don't think he was a scumbag. He had to go through some shit but they finally let him back to be pastor again.

Being a devout Catholic is just so weird. You can have two ideas in your head that are just diametrically opposed. For instance, when I was a teenager I wanted to get laid, just like any teenage dude. But then when it happened I thought I was literally going to hell.

Being a gay priests is probably similar. They want one thing in a huge way, but they think if they pray long and hard they can suppress it.

yea for guys who come from a traditional catholic family, if they are gay, that's a way to sort of avoid the issue and still make their catholic parents proud. Since who wouldn't be happy if their kid was a priest?

Gavin nearly always wears the uniform of the protagonist from "Falling Down."

yeah we know, it started out as a halloween costume on one of his joe rogan appearances, he's openly said that's what he is doing it's not some subtle message

Sorry about that, I've been spending too much time in the Portland subreddit. Every few weeks the city has a riot over the Proud Boys, and nobody seems to be aware that they're just IRL trolls. People in Portland are under the mistaken belief that they're fighting facism when they're actually being trolled.

i guess enjoying yourself is a crime now

I know, right? Just his luck, he got the one straight truck driver out there.

Does she want to watch the game?

Was also the dude from poltergeist 2, of course playing a Indian shaman type.

Stuttering John must be proud this came from his balls.

I can't wait for Emily to murder him after he pisses the bed for the 500th time.

I also loved the song she wrote “Come and Get Your Love”

That bitch is biiiig. Maybe Gavin's half a fag

Chief is a little more feminine

Gavin opens the door to his beautiful home, his wife and children are waiting for him at the dinner table beaming.

"Hey honey, I almost forgot it was taco tuesday!"

"Kiwosabe, you forget fire water. Take pelts go trade."

Fucking nailed it haha

He married her so he can be racist, and then point to her to show otherwise