Better cops than Keith Maresca 1/100

1  2018-11-09 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I saw a picture once from some police station facebook page. They were wishing some lady cop luck on her first official day as a cop on patrol. She got shot an killed like an hour into her first day during a traffic stop. That dead lady cop is a better cop than stupid keith.


miss these cunts

“You niggas rich as fuck?”

"nah man" nah man, that's how i talk to authority, "nah man"


don't know why cunt's don't find them funny, i preferred this over their actual show but that was still good. love tissue box as well


"'d that make you feel?"

“I drive a Chevy Malibu! You that’s cool?! You think that’s a cool car?! You like Chevy Malibuuu?!”


"DUDE, SHUT UP! Shut the fuck up, i'm on a power trip"

"Awwww I hate what i see right now"

"Someone that looks different than I do!"

IF you date any black guys; I'll probably kill you, and then kill myself."

Every time I see Keith the Cops name, I think about how he was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Abner Louima case. No wonder Anthony keeps him around.