Why has Opie never had his shitty teeth fixed? Manhattan millionaire with the mouth of a cake stomp victim.

1  2018-11-09 by PrinceAlena


Cause he’s not vain like Anthony and Jim.

Only faggots care about vain shit like that, brotherman. Go work out with other sweaty homosexuals.

Anthony has great veneers and he's as straight as the day is long.

He's also hilarious and totally not about to be evicted from his house

if you made multi millions a year for over ten years, why wouldn't you just pay off your fuckin house? if everything falls apart, at least you've got a sweet pad that's all yours (other than prop taxes). i'll never understand when rich people don't do this.

if you made multi millions a year for over ten years, why wouldn't you just pay off your fuckin house? if everything falls apart, at least you've got a sweet pad that's all yours (other than prop taxes). i'll never understand when rich people don't do this.

Inflation, Taxes.

veneers teeth system

I'd bet he did something at some point and they've shifted. They look different now then they did in photos when he was younger. I find it hard to believe someone as vain as Opie hasn't done something.

Probably wisdom teeth removal. Totally fucked my teeth up last year.

Because he isn't a vain fag who can't accept that we all have flaws. Anthony has these weird teeth that don't make him look human.

Everyones grill looks great compared to Vos.

". . . that guy (Opie) still has his First Communion money" - Anthony