Nice 11 year old reference stupid

1  2018-11-08 by beyondphilosophy1996


That's one big cup of shit.

Didn't Keith used to beat up prostitutes after ripping them off? Perhaps the feminist boar should be made aware of this, or at least her fans

The cosmos took care of that when he had that stroke. He's pretty harmless now, who could hate strokemouth Keith?

He is aiding the continued existence if piggy. The "only following orders" routine is bunk.

Fair point but man's gotta eat

What did he do wrong? He's an admitted POS on a podcast with an admitted POS.

I remember hearing him on an O&A episode where he said he'd been questioned by the police something like 10 times looking into separate allegations of rape made against him.

Even if you assume there's a 50% chance each girl was lying there's only a .01% chance he's not a serial rapist.

1/1024 = .01%

Nice decimal point, stupid.

Sorry, what a miscarriage of justice. There's a .1% chance he's not a rapist.

Thanks Errol Morris.

4 people I could do without.

Minute 14...

Keith is her token.

She calls all black guys Keith

Nope. That would actually be funny so clearly she doesn't do that.

Keith is a piece of shit for signing onto this pig

So she’s fat enough to be 3 girls I guess

Amy Schumer isn't plus sized she's multiply sized

She's horizontally scalable

Somebody tell her that’s a Spotify logo and not a mess of ribs.

They could have said "Three girls, one cuck" and it would have at least made sense.

"The Reverse Cuckold Podcast"

I'm not going to lie, to me 2 girls one cup is evergreen. I can just watch is any time.

"Keep Calm and Listen to this Podcast" would have been more up to date. Someone take her face and put it on 'keyboard cats' body and call it "Podcast Cat." I think that cat is dead so it has a nice easter egg of showing we want her dead.

So do we hate Keith Robinson now?

Bet your ass

I like Keith, but don't really feel bad for him. Colin has tried to make him famous. Then Wanda Sykes tried. Then Kevin Hart. And now Amy. He has had so much help, and still no one knows who he is.

Hes not funny

As if that's held anyone back in comedy today

Clearly being lazy and shiftless does though.

That montage Tough Crowd did, portraying Keith as a crazy black man was pretty fucking funny.

What the hell is she looking at?

This is a rip-off of the forty year old virgin dvd cover


Every podcast on Spotify sucks. We need a podcast app.

Hopefully it can be one that breaks all the time

lol she's fat

She looks like Bucky Beaver in this, which is obviously an improvement

It be cool if this cunt stopped presenting garbage

Would you like to hear the WATP crew give this podcast a good once-over?

If so, tune in Sunday, and tell 'em joo sent ya! ;)

She's an equal opportunity thief.

Two girls, Keith, and one moose.

So the jacked 2 Girls 1 Cup and the Keith & The Girl podcast. Fuck I hate confident fat chicks.

Vos had an amazing line on this 3 girls one sell out 3 girls one tom lmfao

Complains about men sexualizing women and rape culture then does nothing but sexualize herself. Big fat pig.