There’s Hemingway, Oscar Wilde and Lorca. And then there’s Joseph Cumia.

1  2018-11-08 by RBuddCumia


A card carrying, violent transphobic

They make cards for that?

Yeah you have to blow one to prove you don't like it

Requiring to get re-certified every month seems strict but I guess Joe would know more about than me.

Jonathan Livingston Seadull

If only they let birds into the big apple ranch I'm sure he would change his mind.

What kinda bird do you think he sodomized?

I'm going with robin

A Vulture.

Fly w jancro u will nyam dead meat!!!

Hoo hoo...

His post reminds me of one of Mel Gibson's famous quotes-"FLY AWAY CUNT"

Joe really is the worst person in the entire O&A universe... His bragging, of how he doesn't have to work because his little bro provides for him, is enough to warrant the death penalty.

Pretty cool, huh?

he has to lean in and brag, otherwise he would have to hide it and get closer to suicide every time someone found out.

But he’s part of the same LGBT community!

Joe is a Shit Hawk

Joe's a shitleopard, and they never change their spots bobandy

You hear that, Randy?

I've heard him described as either an albatross or a guineafowl.

tss yeah! Hes a Dodo tss

Oh Chip.

Joe's life amounts to one big Goose egg

Apart from the Canada Jordan Peterson legal stuff, I don’t understand why the trans “issue” is such a hot topic. It’s not even an “issue,” I don’t even know what the overriding controversy is that people are on two “sides” of. What are people on about with it? Are they trying to outlaw the surgery/force the surgery on nonconsenting adults?

I will "literally" murder anyone who insists on putting "words" "entre comillas"

This guy is using them incorrectly but they have their place. Like, why don't you go "raise" your kids?

Nana docked Joe $1000 off his monthly allowance due to that Facebook post.

They are both the same person.

Joe wants to lay eggs? The fuck sort of fetishes is he into now?

Joe, much like a bird, uses the same hole for shitting and for sexual intercourse.

Joe "Cloaca" Cumia

not can I fertilize a female bird

Not for lack of trying.

Keep on fucking that chicken

Sounds like Joe needs to be reminded about his little brother's hot, spicy, steamy, cum-soaked, naked, sexual relationship with a transsexual.

Joe is a Gay Bird

He really thinks he's some sort of philosopher that has the world figured out. What a delusional oaf.

I hate Joe. HATE HIM. But I hate Hathaway even more here.

Why? she's got - as the sub says - great beefers.

"There's only TWO genders, you nutty broad. Now get over here and take care of this" - Me to Anne Hathaway on Thanksgiving.

David Foster Cumia

He always wanted to be white....

Spoken like a man who has 100% fucked a bird.

Edgar Allen Joe

Posts about this moron are by far the funniest. When I see one early in the morning, I laugh so much that my day is better because if it.

I got an invite to Joe’s kristallnacht party!!

I want to kick his tits off.

Joe yearns for a simpler time, back when a guy could smoke cocaine with his mother and be certain she was sporting a vagina, not like with these he/shes you see all over the place nowadays. It's funny when blatantly closeted queer men pretend to get all outraged about this shit when everyone knows it's a sure sign that the LOVE the cock. Joe's poking around the internet, comes across idiotic stories like these and makes a huge show out of "eeewwwww"-ing about it to pitifully disguise the fact that the thought titillates and arouses him.

god i wanted to fuck her so bad recently. she had katy perry disease

A Vulture.

Hoo hoo...