I actually let myself become invested in this faggot back in the Stern days. I felt for him. I may have even shed a tear. In 2018 I feel nothing but disgust for this fat piece of shit

1  2018-11-08 by TonyFromLongIsland


Did ya?

he's had that same jacket since Stern.

It's a classic junkie jacket, he's gonna wear it until he croaks

If some junkie broke into Anthony's home, he would have shot him. He invites this attention seeking lowlife into his life

If someone broke into Anthony's home, he would hide himself in the closet.

I mean, he's currently hiding in the closet figuratively. But I mean it literally.

The only person who was ever in danger of being shot with a gun owned by Anthony Cumia was Anthony Cumia.

You can probably add Dani or a black mailman to that list too.

You can probably add Dani or a black guy to that list too.


I have to disagree. Enough alcohol makes anyone a tou guy.

this deserves more

My friend who was a bouncer called it "beer muscles". Dude was 6'6" and built like a brick wall (early 40s-ish though). Every weekend somebody would have one too many and decide it would be a good idea to test him. It always ended predictably.

I have to disagree. Enough alcohol makes anyone a tough guy.

...on twitter. Ant's a fucking pussy.

Exactly. For a guy who spouts crime statistics so much. One would think he would realize his affinity for booze, guns, and drugs puts him in the top percentile for becoming a statistic.

Can’t shoot anyone if you can’t find your gun.

Artie sold it for crack

His current prostitute once broke in his house, trashed it, and stole a credit card and a camera. He had her arrested. He still took her back and moved her in his house. Anthony is a beta faggot. He was also only using Artie to mooch his fanbase and increase sub prices.

Jesus, is he literally just sniffing glass at this point?

He can't stop snorting drugs long enough to let his nose heal.

Why doesn't he just use the other nostril or boof it or something? Fucking retarded junkie.

He can’t even be good at being a junky. Just shoot up, pussy.

He should put that shit on cheeseburgers.

Haha, holy shit. Did you just come up with that? He probably did and that’s how he got fat, when junkies are usually thin.

Retardie likes to pretend he's some sort of legendary junkie hero but really he's a gigantic faggot who wastes the bulk of his dope by insisting on cramming it into his ulcerated rotting nose because he's too gutless and cowardly to smoke or shoot the shit, presumably because it's "bad" for him. I guarantee his dealers laugh at him and always sell him the shittiest most stepped-on dope too, as they know the addle-brained dumbbell's brain is too infected and decayed to even know the difference at this point.

As much as we hate Anthony, Artie was disgraceful. One of you autists should make a spreadsheet of how many days he missed, was later, and disappeared during the show. Two hours a day at most four days a week with weekends off and no structure. Just bullshit for two hours and he couldn't do that. And didn't even have the balls to resign he had to be fired because he went MIA.

I think they still paid him the rest of his contract

The show where he went to the bathroom and didn't come back for 40 minutes was the best. Artie would be a complete mess no matter what show he was on, but he gave Compound Media exactly as much respect as it deserved.

He went to the bathroom to do heroin during every deep discount read he was there for and everyone knew it. If he didn't get up, Ant would say "Artie, don't you need to take a leak?" Despicable behavior by all involved.

Opie claimed he was offered him when he got moved to afternoons and turned it down. He lied A LOT about what happened during that period, but he did have him on once or twice so maybe that was a trial and he decided it was a mess... Or that they didn't have that chemistry, brother

I don't think Sirius wanted him in the building. Don't know how it would have worked with the Stern show. And they had o chemistry. Opie doesn't really have chemistry with anyone.

His podcast isn't as terrible as I would have guessed. I've oy listened to a couple and I think I've only listened to the in studio ones, but I guess good for him for trying something different doing it in bars etc. I can't stand Vic or Sherrod on a regular basis (I thought they were both fine 3 times a year), but oddly I find Carl tolerable.

And Ant just sat there and took it like the giant gaping pussy he is. That fat deformed slob pissed all over his show and his subscribers and big tough guy Anthony giggled, muttered, smirked and played it off like Artie meant well but was just a big ol' troubled-but-lovable goofball who had some "issues" to "work out". In reality he was and is a disgusting dying wreck of a man who hasn't been funny in a solid decade but Mr. Truth Bombs never said jack shit about how Artie robbed him and his fans blind.

As a junkie Artie still managed to be more successful than anyone here

I'll never get what makes a faggot like you tick

Sadly even through a heroin addiction Artie still has more money than you.

Sadly even through a heroin addiction Artie still has more money than you.

There's no way artie doesn't go broke in the near future

He will be dead before that happens

That's probably cuz you're a pedophile

Your typical Opie and Anthony fan I guess

Or you're justa dorky pedophile. What type of man gloats over another person's bank account? You leave a lot of questions to be answered, pedophile.

No it's just funny that Artie spent more than half his life snorting shit up his nose and still managed to do more than you.

Jesus, you are a special type of pedophilic faggot

You mad because a fat fuck with an ugly nose managed to surpass you in life? Not gloating just observing.

Good Lord you are a lame pedo

Yeah but you still allowed yourself to be out performed in life by an obsese heroin addict


Sucks being beat out in life by a heroin addict huh?

I'm sure Artie's made more money than me. So do baby traffickers, although I'm sure you can fill me in on the details of that. The last thing I think of when I decide someone is cool or not is how much money they've got and if they've got more than me. You are a faggot, and you are pretty stupid, and probably a giant ass kisser

Dude just because an obsese heroin addict managed to do more than you with his life is no reason to give up

Lmao you're a little devil


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He's a lonely, friendless heroin addict who's walking around with blood spilling out of his nose with a constant threat of imprisonment looming over him. Everyone knows he will be dead soon, and he will be remembered as a heroin-addicted disaster who threw his life away rather than a successful comedian and radio personality. You'd have a tough time finding someone more miserable than Artie.

I'll live a long full life and he won't.

looks like artie recrated his favourite scarface scene with a molehill

Dude I paid for his shitty quitter podcast and got bamboozled into buy a sub to Cumia media

A sub you can never cancel. You will think you cancelled and then BANG! Another charge hits your card

His podcast was hilarious for a while but in the end got kind of bad. I miss Mario Bosco.

Did you chip in for Norton’s cartoon too stupid?

No because I knew that faggot has no follow through

No because I knew that faggot has no follow through

Artie could never compare to Jackie, no matter how many times he told his heroin and Jew broad fighting Dracula stories

They can surgically put a dick on a chick in a few hours but somehow all the doctors in New Jersey can't figure this out.

He'd have to stop ramming shit up there for a day or two for that to happen...

He’s actually had it fixed Perfectly 8 times, we just never see it because he can’t stop shoving straws up there

I'm really glad he fucked up the Anthony thing, he's down to about 50 fans now and not even the old guard has nice things to say about him.

It was perfect how Artie managed to smash the sodomite Stern fan narrative that Howard ruined his life and abandoned him, he had a good run talking shit about Stern and being "the last non-PC" comic out there.

The tragedy is if he had been good after his second suicide attempt, he would have been 10 years sober now and probably would have been well received into a third comeback and maybe even allowed back on Howard to cool the air. Most likely even married and doing a podcast or doing enough other podcasts to stay relevant and his touring numbers high.

This disgracia had to keep burning bridges. I couldn't be happier, he got what he deserved.

I knew he was a cunt since he made Sal and Richard cry. Richard is the most disgusting sweetheart that Norton wishes to be.

Heyyy bud richard is my favorite

youre not the man ang. you run from the man

When he dies I'll care less than the last shit I took. I really fucking hate junkies.

I bet he has poop smeared under his garlicky balls.

I always hated Artie, from the first time I saw his shitty comedy on MadTV. Then when Norm first dragged that lump of shit onto the Stern show. He was always an insecure kiss ass that laughed at all his own "jokes" did crappy impressions and used his money to try and buy friends.

Nice Baboon nose, stupid.

Dirty Work is a gem.

I enjoyed Beer League a great deal.

Why the down votes? This is spot on.

He’s tan

his most recent comments about 'overcoming addiction maaan' are fucking revolting. How many more times are you going to do the same routine, banking on the sympathy of bleeding heart dipshits who lap it up every time? I sincerely hope he just does the lethal does and shuts the fuck up already.


Drinking bleach and stabbing himself was more dignified than this

I always enjoyed his time on the Stern show, but I was ALWAYS puzzled by the weird outpouring of love and adoration for Artie, especially over Jackie Martling. There was this weird vibe where Fred, Gary, Howard and all the fans were constantly sucking up to Artie and talking about how much everyone loves him the most. It was weird for a show where they would attack one another.

Your title just struck me as you being one of those guys who would call up and yell "Awwwtie I love you maan, you gotta get betta man"

I like how that was some long-winded excuse just to wager a guess that I was an uncouth guido scumbag. And lol @ implying I'd ever call a radio show.

It's not an excuse, and it's not all about you sunshine. You were just another in a long line of greaseball enablers.

That was really gay.

I hope you've moved on from it since then.

Peasants like you only make me laugh. Ha ha ha.

going into rehab just because he failed a drug test, so the judge wouldn't send him to jail

cool nose

Vince Gilligan said his vision for Breaking Bad was to make his protagonist so unlikable, that by the end of its run, the viewers would go from rooting for him to utterly hating him.

Vince failed. Walter White became a folk hero. We rooted for him until the bitter end.

Artie Lange, however, fulfilled that destiny in real life. He went from being the most likable person you could hope to meet to the most despicable, bitter, passive aggressive bitch of all time. I hope he dies in prison.

"Oh my gawd he's assaulting me!" filled me with more disgust than anything Walt ever did.

Holy shit is this a recent pic? His years on Stern were Sterns Golden years imo.

So does his nose just look like that now?

I remember the first time I saw this video. I'm not gonna lie I got choked up, because I'm a former junky and current tremendous faggot. I will always root for Artie because I know I'm a shit day away from ending up exactly where he is, just on a sadder, smaller, scale.

nah man youre not a complete fag. you got this shit.

Your typical Opie and Anthony fan I guess

You mad because a fat fuck with an ugly nose managed to surpass you in life? Not gloating just observing.

I enjoyed Beer League a great deal.