Chip's live Podcast--seriously?

1  2018-11-08 by kencat100

Reality check, please. I would surely be interested in the results of a personality profile or IQ test to anyone who pays to see this embarrassing character perform. Granted there may be a few who will hate watch this but are there any of this sub's brethren who truly like Chip? Please identify yourself so that you can be found and put to the blade. Personally, I think Chip Chipperson is as entertaining and clever as listening to Amy Schumer reading a list of shitty puns while scratching her nails on a blackboard. But, I just may be an elitist. Thank you kind people and assholes.


I like the first couple of episodes, but the character has been run into the ground. Jim fucked up ... he should have monetized Chip earlier. Don’t hear much about the “Cable Guy” anymore.

no it never should have been monirized or made into a separate thing. It was only funny very briefly and at max 10 seconds or a tsss after a bad joke. That's it nothing more ever.

Could be fun

The episodes now are getting boring...or more boring rather. I dont see any reason why someone would pay money to see this or any other podcast done live

It's good as one off non sequitur and when it a complete bashfest of tits but an hour long podcast or live event is absolutely the worst

It's funny how every cent Jim has ever made in comedy is directly tied to Opie, yet he hates him. None of the other comics even knew his name (evident when they watched his early stand up and none of them knew what a hack he was) before Opie hired him. And they were only friendly with him at that point to get on the show.

I liked it for the first 6 months. Whenever the live show was that had the Rock on was Chip's peak. He doesn't do anything different ever. When that crazy bitch that looked like Chip was testifying against Kavanaugh did Norton do a Chip spoof of the trial? No, of course not. He might have gotten a shitload of YouTube views and introduced Chip to a whole new audience but Norton simply doesn't have the talent or the wherewithal to do so.

The show in LA with the women who had no idea Chip was a character until halfway through the episode was pretty good.

Had to watch it on video, though.

The entire Chip podcast was shit since the first episode. How did any of you seriously enjoy hearing a 50 year old man talking like a retard and making shit jokes, while Anthony, and whoever else, sits in the corner uncomfortable and pretending to laugh. If any of you rewatch the episodes you claimed where good and still enjoy them, then you're a fucking moron. "Oh look, Chips got a silly hat on today, wonder what he's going to say, oh no!" Fuck off.

at least folks here didnt enjoy JAM just to fuck with opie

He’s funny when introduced to complete strangers who aren’t in on the joke, so naturally Jim only unleashes him on the same 5 people every week.

It's the same thing as all those 'alt' comics having a hack comedian character. It's just easier to come up with bad jokes. I wish Uncle Paul was more popular.

I would've went to that first one at the comedy cellar because it's close to me and it would've really annoyed my "girlfriend" to have to see it. But I haven't listened nor cared about it since about that time

His girlfriend Anthony has an autobiography to promote and since that tranny fucking pedo is banned from Sirius and Joe Rogan is the only semi-legit media outlet that will stoop to having a washed up former shock jock who has only gotten headlines in the last half decade for racism and for beating up a small mentally ill girl, Chip's live shows are the only way to promote the book.

Jesus, what a sentence.

Nice punctuation, stupid.

Awww. Did you buy you Live Podacast tickets yet, you ballwashing faggot?

Don't make it about IQ. Sometimes smart people like stupid shit. I'm a dumbass that hates the Chip podcast. Not from the very beginning though. Did run a few eps as background noise.

I like Chip and I don't care who knows it