I'm in no way "promoting violence": 11/8/18

1  2018-11-08 by crookedmile


It's almost as stupid as being an adult in a cover band.


Eric put that nigger in his place

I really have trouble believing she said that.

She thought senators were inaugurated. She's mentally retarded.

Can you please provide the context for what you are saying as fact?

We have to consider the Commonality of Language principle, right? Faggot.

Provide the context (link) of where she said that. Until then, shut the fuck up.

Looks like this woman knows as much about how the government works as the president does. Strange bedfellows.


She thought House members were inaugurated as opposed to sworn in, not Senators. See how gay it is to play gotcha with semantics?

Which Gay neighborhood from NY you from, character?

You don't think Joe sourced that quote from multiple legitimate news agencies before he regaled us with his latest commentary of the pulse of the nation?

Yeah. Joe reads the Daily Stormer and InfoWars like they’re BBC babd the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Shithead.

Joe likes the BBC all right.

I actually laughed out loud at your comment. Well done

Take your upvote and kill yourself with it.


Early-50s, stupid.

Good. Now stop promoting gigs.

Congratulations Joe you're smart enough to be elected to the House.

But Joe is probably the stupidest man on Long Island!

Joe and his followers, once again, are the most gullible idiots on the planet.

Joe probably thought islands could tip over until he heard people mocking Rep. Johnson

"I hate anything that's brown and doesn't have a penis and wish harm upon them for thinking differently than me, but I don't promote violence" - Hell's Angel Fan Club President, Joe Cumia

His references go as deep as 60’s cartoons and Sons of Anarchy.

He still has his guns, he should shoot himself.

It's a TRIBUTE band.

God should strike them down for making a poor offering.

Doesn’t he realize by now that’s he’s a fucking literal halfwit? You can tell by his smarming writing voice that he thinks he’s razor sharp and he’s just the dopiest fuck you coupd possibly conjure.

Joe really has a way of expressing himself, that makes me think he is a tard

Imagine going through life being the failed Cumia brother.

In z-list word of Opie & Anthony Joe is Frank Stallone.

They’re both going through life that way now.

I think you are mistaken. Anthony's book clearly states that he is on the second rise of his career.

“This person is an idiot! Now here’s a quote from Daffy Duck.”

I thought he was only using twitter for promotion not as a blog? What a fag.

Eric coming in hot.

I am in no way promoting violence.

Just ignore the thousands of threats I have made online over the years.

What does he believe makes him better than any of the people he mentioned?