First Images Of Bordeline Dance Club Shooter From Security Camera Footage. Appear. Apparent Shooter Identfied As Tunasian Knife Enthusiasts, Antwon Kumiya. Seen "Pop Locking" Moments Before Shooting

1  2018-11-08 by ricswrangler


Reverend Al Dull-on

This is great, another mass shooting in America

It's okay. Only Californians died.

Their crimes of influence. Maybe one more will happen before it cools down for another few months.

You still have a better chance of dying from a tarantula than killed in a mass murder.

Send this out before they report the shooter was white.

I’d like m to think this is from some Halloween party, but I’m almost certain it’s not

What's really bad is that he plays "the game" and just got me with his left hand

Don't post this on /r/oldschoolcool. You'll get banned.

mde meme tier
