YouTuber Suspended for Video of Killing Feminist in 'Red Dead Redemption 2'

1  2018-11-08 by Anonymity_01


Our whole fucking world is doomed. What a disgusting nanny state we live in. All these babies want freedom as long as it's what they approve if, God forbid you kill a woman in what's basically a murder simulator. ( That I enjoy very much)

There’s nothing more satisfying than blowing off some douche’s head with a sawed-off.

The feminist or the ability to kill her will probably be removed from future copies. That character is there basically to tempt you into killing her on a crowded street. Like how you used to get an achievement for tying a nun to the train tracks in the first one.

“Removed from future copies”.

That was adorable. Are you 70 years old or something? All they would need to do is update the game with a patch.

I admittedly don't know shit about how video games work because why would I care to know? I appreciate the womanly patronizing "that was adorable" remark though.

“Guys, stop the presses! We need to take out the ability to kill this feminist from all future copies!”

Meanwhile you can still bang hookers and then kill them to get your money back in GTA.

Yeah dickhead. I know. I'm on the side of the outrage being stupid. Go start another argument on that sub based on evaluating shirtless men's bodies. I'm not looking to debate fucking video games (which again, I spend almost no time playing) with a combative faggot who is arguing against me despite me being on the same side. I said something stupid. Sorry. You know more about technology than me so I'm sure you also have a bigger dick.

It wasn’t even an argument. I simply said I thought it was adorable that you thought they edit each game disc to remove something. Don’t be so sensitive over something so trivial.

I'll kill your family.


Stop harassing me

Stop breathing

I don't breathe. I'm a ghost you dumb fucking stupid idiot.

Point: Vigoda

Video game people get so mad about video games.

No. Its the fact you can find any type of video game violence on youtube but feminists are a protected class

Fire up that gamergate hashtag again, it was really dignified.

Are you that douchy liberal wrestling fan who comes here?

I posted here before I started posting there so technically no.

There is a couple of them

I’m sure this wasn’t a decision made by a left wing cunt, you fools are right, both sides are equally bad. Fuckin wake up already, Dems and the left want you castrated.

So was it a left wing cunt that reinstated his channel and all his videos after they realized a mistake had been made?

Doesn’t matter if they brought it back, they originally thought they had the right to remove it. “After they realized a mistake had been made” and that mistake being youtubers calling them out for their bullshit

I mean they do have the right to remove anything for any reason. If anything Youtube actively choosing to reinstate his channel is better than it never having gotten removed. It says to people that Youtube is choosing to side with content like this and not just letting it go under the radar. In all likelihood it just got flag bombed by queers and someone at YT removed it without really bothering to investigate.

And not for nothing but all Youtubers are faggots.

If Youtube or companies like them go far enough with their controlling of what content is allowed, they actually will no longer legally be able to claim that all they do is host content, and they will start being liable for what is posted.

Youtube is essentially protected legally from a lot of problems by claiming to just be a host, so as the company stands now, they don't really have the right to remove everything they disagree with.

Except that when you agree to the ToS, you agree that they can remove your content for whatever reason they want.

Yeah, that's a personal contract between two private parties. If Youtube becomes editorial enough, they can no longer tell the government that all they do is host content, they aren't responsible for it.

CNN can also remove any content they want, but they have to use editorial discretion even for opinion pieces written by nobodies, because they responsible for the content. If that person incites violence, if they libel someone, etc, CNN would be responsible.

Youtube, Reddit, etc, could become just as liable for their content, if they become more in control of their content. Especially, if they are only censoring conservatives, then the Republicans will fight to change these companies legal status.

This is a pretty unlikely scenario in any event. I think both of those legal arguments would be laughed out of court based on current happenings. Besides, they immediately reinstated his account and restored his videos. Nothing really even happened.

No, of course not, I'm not talking about a kid posting Red Dead 2 videos.

I just mean the general theory that they can take anything they want off their site. If they took all conservative content off, for example, their legal status as a company would probably be changed, so they would legally liable for the content posted.

I feel you, homie. It's an interesting an idea I hadn't considered before.

Ok, cool, sorry I steered this somewhat off topic.

They didn't "realise a mistake had been made" they got bullied into reversing their decision because of backlash. You fucking stupid retard.

For fear of what, you fuckin dummy? People gonna stop using youtube? shut the fuck up.

We are sitting at the crest of the "Post-Empire America" wave.

His channels already reinstated.

The fact it was taken down at all is fucked up

Who gives a fuck

And people think snowflake outrage culture is just for the left!

Isn't in late in Tel Aviv? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your banking job?

Because you're a Jew. Get it.

Ha! Trying to turn it around.

He got his channel back, and immediately put up a video where he is "deporting a Mexican."

Haha that's quality.

Youtube became fucking fags when Google took over. What's wrong with that video, it's hilarious as hell when he feeds the f'n feminist to an alligator, probably the most fun shit that will ever happen in that boring and shitty game.



“Guys, stop the presses! We need to take out the ability to kill this feminist from all future copies!”

Meanwhile you can still bang hookers and then kill them to get your money back in GTA.