Did Joe Cumia rape a boy at the Apple Ranch in 2003?

1  2018-11-08 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

We can't know for sure but yes. He did. Joe Cumia savagely raped a boy at the Apple Ranch in 2003.


Allegedly he definitely raped that boy

It's confirmed true.

thats what I heard too

I saw the tapes.

I sold him that boy, so I can confirm, yes he did

Hey r/iwontbeherelong180, we got any other boys back there? I'm starving.

What are some of dem otha boys we got?

I've heard this

pedo joe

tore the poor kid's insides up.

Drained all his saliva glands

Joe buys extracted saliva glands of prepubescent children on the black market to satisfy his satanic needs.

To cover his tracks, Joe larps as a Hillary Clinton hater, but they're actually close acquaintances.

Joe larps as a Hillary Clinton hater to hide his satanist, pedo lifestyle.

I think they are more likely to be close acquaintances.

Haven't heard him deny it

That's as good as an admission in my eyes. Spit-guzzling monster.

It’s true, he told me himself.

A friend of mine saw heard rhythmic slapping noises coming from the bathroom

That was just you jerking off to it.

Lies, Joe Cumia was the boy who raped a man at the Apple Ranch in 2003. Nobody believed he could do it but he did it through sheer perseverance.

i have yet to see a good pink sock reference used on this subreddit. so, pink socks.

I'm still waiting.

People are saying that, and I'm just asking questions. Did he? I don't know, I wasn't there, but people keep bringing it up and I wonder if he did.

I've never heard him deny it.

There's no such thing as rape at Apple Ranch

Well when 2u plays...

No the boy sodomized himself with a frying pan

Brother Joseph Cumia who appeared on The People's Court and was described as a pedophile, white supremacist, racist, card carrying, violent and all other vile things?

Are you saying that Brother Joe Cumia previously known of Opie & Anthony fame originally from Long Island, NY raped an underage boy at a gay club Big Apple Ranch in 2003

If you are saying that, I think it would be 'the right thing to do' to not type this over and over again on Reddit so that search engines index the exact phrase and begin to suggest it whenever his name is googled. Now I hope someone gets down to the bottom of this Brother Joe of 2U which is a cover band of U2 fiasco.

I feel it is time for perhaps a true crime website/podcast combo that uses various theories to link him to a horrible crime. For instance: Can we definitively say where he was when Maura Murray or Jon-Benet Ramsey went missing?

Brother "Joe" Cumia

Hey, if it's written on this subreddit, why doubt it ?
When have we ever told anything but the truth ?

I can confirm. I was at Apple Ranch when it happened. Im not gay, but my boyfriend is.


Did Joe Cumia rape a boy at the Apple Ranch in 2003?

I made a decision. Yes, he did.

I'm not saying Joe raped a boy at the Apple Ranch in 2003, I'm just saying he's never denied it.

The Big Apple Ranch were Joe Cumia , during intermission of 2U, raped a boy?

He's never denied it