There's an alternative universe where Danny Ross is currently cashing a sickingly fat royalty check from Rockstar Games

1  2018-11-07 by OkaySeriouslyBro


why dont you tell the folks at home where he is now?

It's this knowledge that keeps him pulling out what's left of his ponytailed jewfro in a home for mental deficients.

Danny's at the nut hut right now, pretending it's 2008 and he's still producing the show.

nut hut

Where does that shit stem from?

His father tweeted that he had been committed, and asked for prayers for his son via his Hebrew name (which is where that Daniel Ben Dovid stuff comes from).

Ahhh alright. Wondered where that name came from too.

now there's a guy who needs to do an AMA

Where does that shit stem from?

You mean nuthouse, nuthatch, etc? Here's something I found on Stackexchange:

"crazy," 1846, from earlier be nutts upon "be very fond of" (1785), which is possibly from nuts (n., pl.) "any source of pleasure" (1610s), from nut (q.v.). Sense influenced probably by metaphoric application of nut to "head" (1846, e.g. to be off one's nut "be insane," 1860).

"Be nutts upon" is due for a comeback, I think.

and when the weather's good they let everybody go swimming.

no there isn't.

Talking infinite universes? Because every possibility has to be fullfilled at some point when there is infinite runs? Maybe. But the monkeys will have written all of Shakespeare's works twice before that guy doesn't act like an asshole.


Really, Dude. Really? 2

In that same universe u/Ichise-san is bitching about everyone not defending Opie and Anthony Cumia didn't rape kids.


What did he do over there anyway?