Professional and sexual failure.

1  2018-11-07 by McGowan9


Bet his hog is uneventful

you talking about his cock or his FAT WIFE

Viewers choice

I still feel somewhat bad for the guy, even though he is a scumbag's lap dog. But he really has no business in comedy. He's Matarese level painful to watch.

ant has a thing for heroin addict side-kicks

I'm not the biggest fan but you're wrong. He has some good lines and good chemistry with Anth.

I don't know what it is, but there's something so incredibly infuriating to me about looking at this guy. He looks like the fat kid from 5th grade that shows up to your birthday party with this shitty new haircut and an excessive amount of hair gel that his mom put in and is picked up early by his parents for some unknown reason. What in the fucking world makes an adult man think that this is an acceptable haircut? And even more infuriating is that fucking constant deadpan expression. He looks to me like someone that hasn't said anything interesting or worth listening to whatsoever even once in his life. He looks like the guy from high school that's always talking about how great he is at getting pussy but hasn't talked to a single fucking girl once in his life

Then again, I haven't ever heard this stuff so maybe i'm just being an ass

This is oddly specific but somehow fitting.

P.s. The "unknown reason" why that fat kid got picked up early from your 10th birthday party was because he called his parents and told them it was shit.

but all the other kids stayed maaann

Fatso didn't appreciate the store brand snacks your cheap parents bought.

God damn I know that type of kid you're talking about and the fucker cheats at party games too

its the fake put on edge


Why would someone so bland get a haircut like this?

He wouldn't appear nearly as unlikeable if he just kept a normal haircut and dressed like a big boy. But instead he's decided to put a huge fucking 'LOOK AT ME' on his head. WHY

Hey that’s world famous comedian Dave Landau!!

he looks like a teletubby

This bland faggot has one of the most annoying faces I've ever seen.


I forget who originally used the line, but landaus shirt size is “extra medium”

Nice faux hawk. What is this, 1997?

It's very Chumbawamba

It’s weird combo. He’s extremely bland and forgettable, yet he’s enraging to look at.


Rad haircut, faggot.