This is a 60 year old man with a child

1  2018-11-07 by crookedmile


60 year old man

Distinguished in Faggotry?

Im not sure what stripes you get for that, but i fully endorse it


Mainstream is one word, retard.

If that pissed you off, read "Danny De Vito"'s comment (also, DeVito should be one word)

I'd hope for Joe's sake that the Democrats don't try to pass an exclamation point tax.

He’d get more than his share back in welfare.

Joe is a gullible, uneducated fool. He is a man who went on national television wearing mom jeans, a Kohl’s blazer and bright white tennis shoes to defend himself against claims of pedophilia that the defendant nor the judge accused him of.

He's not only uneducated, he's actively disdainful of people who are smarter than him, which is everyone. He thinks he's a brave truth-speaker but the only reason that he's "persecuted" by everyone disagreeing with him is because he's the dumbest man alive.

Oh yes, I remember his rant against Universities and the students who attend such institutions. It’s as if he resents those who followed the traditional route of gaining a skill or knowledge to become a contributing member to society.

What’s his profession again?

Professional faggot

"Professional" implies you make money in some way from your activity, which would make Joe a whore.

Joe has never made his own money outside 2U gigs of maybe a hundred dollars or so after expenses, so he really is just an amateur faggot, despite being so good at it.

He also ranted against the “liberal dominated electoral college” as if it were an actual college on Facebook a week before the 2016 election, vowing bloody revolt if his guy lost “their” vote but won the popular. He had to backtrack that pretty quick, the fucking retard.

He sure did, the stupid cunt. Every single president in American history who lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote was a Republican (except Adams, technically, because the Democratic-Republican Party hadn't split yet).

I’d love the opportunity to ask Joe, face to face: what is a delegate and what function do they perform? Name 4 committees in the US House of Representatives. What is the term length of a US Senator and a US House member, respectively? How many votes are necessary to override a Presidential veto? Are you a pedophile?

I guarantee he can only answer one of those questions correctly, and the answer is ‘Yes’.

The only Red Wave was the blood filling up Roe’s lungs while these two nobodies selfishly went on doing their little hobbies.


Did he catch Steve Ramone, yet?

I’m sure when Obama was in office he was also happy to have someone in the mainstream media “echo” what the president was saying, too. Idiot.

I thought you were talking about anthony and dani brand

And when Joe is shown that Republicans were in fact allowed to speak on MSNBC on election, will he recant his statement? Of course not.

They even had that drunk bitch Peggy Noonan for god sake.

Non college educated white males

I hate Sean Hannity. His audience is basically a bunch of Boomers. Tucker Carlson is the future of Fox News

Peak boomer