Vurry good.

1  2018-11-07 by InnocentUnclePaul


I hate this ugly mug

This is going to be good!!! When will it be out?

Tomorrow or the next day

Perhaps more than that


Has to render first brothaman

Aw bugger, YouTube just took it down m8

fucking vince mcmahon

Inshallah, habibi.

He just confirmed it will be out tomorrow 9 am!

Almost didn't play video after being assaulted with the enlarged thumbnail spotlighting his stupid "Don't forget the cheeeeese, Gromit!" buck teeth. But glad I did. Artfully done.

Jim "cunt" jefferies

If any of you can get Georgina Baille to come out and MeToo this creep I will lick your sweaty balls personally, no drugs necessary.

Tweet it to Piers Morgan, sure he’ll love it after the clip of him and Jim on Bill Maher

Please destroy this cocksucker's life.

This is the scalp I want the most.

Hair plugs and all

I really dislike him too.

Brad Pitt’s character needed more screen time in Basterds

He's the Benedict Arnold to O&A comedy.

I'm more excited about this than the next 10 Star Wars movies combined.

Why would you be excited for gay ass Star Wars movies?

Totally agree. Maybe 100x would have been closer to reality.

Don't try to pretend now that you aren't a huge Star Wars fan.

Fuckin' nerd.

Before puberty I enjoyed the original trilogy. Everything since has been cancer. If that makes me a nerd, you got me internet man.

At least you're now admitting you've been a nerd since "before puberty."

We're making progress it seems. This is good.

Now...when you say "before puberty" are you actually refering to before age 28 when you finally lost your virginity?

Let's just agree that Jim Jeffries is the worst. Cheers sir!

You're not wrong.

I was with you til you used cheers and sir in one post. Kindly fornicate a pinecone.

Mersh gonna try to leech off this.

It really is amazing how every male feminist that repeats this shit are always guilty of something horrible towards women.

Because theyre pieces of shit and project their awful behavior on all men just like these movements do.

All men are, we're all perverts and, if not opportunistic predators, probably cowards. The male feminists are simply the creepiest and sneakiest of the perverted predators. They're the ones that keep you up at night if you have daughters.

It's a natural urge to have sex but you sure make it sound scary.


Remember to drop this one with multiple backups, Jefferies is diligent about scrubbing unfavorable shit.

What a dud

His career is steeped in folly.

Didnt he have most of his O&A appearances pulled?

I hope we drive that limey bastard to suicide.

He's an aussie, not a limey. Both are wretched creature though.

Aussies are convict decended limeys

Every comedian should fear the autism of this internet forum dedicated to a defunct radio show. I can't wait until this rapist gets his.

the doc should be called "rapist gets his"

How do we ensure this blows up and isn’t solely viewed by us with autism? I want this disgusting faggot to rot.

Aye nye, me reputation’s been buggered!

The Benedict Arnold of dick jokes.

Yeah...well...this reads like the Seamus O'Corkin of Colin Quinn jokes.

Seamus is just some drunk Irish gypsy I made up that tells terrible jokes btw.

He so unenthusiastically read off that teleprompter. He had more fun reading sex toy ads during the Talking Shot podcast,linger longer.

Alright boys Brothaman's crackin some road soda's for this one!

Is there a segment on Gunta?

Aussies are the decedents of debtors. They like people from the State of Georgia are a disgrace to white people

Fuck you

Didn't white people in Georgia just stop the country from having it's first black female governor?

I'd say they're alright.

Interesting fact about Georgia, during the Civil War they pretty much did nothing as Americans came down and burned their cities, forced them to change their way of life, and fucked their women.

It's a good thing all the blacks are there taking care of those cities in Georgia now. ...

Seems kind of pointless to rebuild them at that point, eh?

I guess there will still be some structure to work with and remodel once the niggers ruin the cities completely and whites move back in to "gentrify" them.

So rebuilding the cities wasn't such a bad idea I guess.

I think the more important thing to gather is that people from Georgia can't fight and have no courage

It's possible. I know the cops there are fucking pricks.

Was driving through once on the way to Florida and got pulled over on the highway, the driver gets arrested for a suspended license and the car is towed, leaving me on the side of the highway with his two dogs and a cat that weren't even mine.

I was like "wtf?"

One of the cops was like "we can call you a cab, but I doubt they'll let you take the animals."

Don't keep expecting me to defend Georgia when my only memory of the place is walking two dogs and dragging a cat on a leash like two miles on the highway to an exit ramp with a shitty motel.

You're probably being sarcastic but I sperg out on this topic so here goes...

After Atlanta fell when Sherman marched on Savannah? Yes. Before that? Fuck no. Chickamauga was the second costliest battle of the whole war behind Gettysburg. The siege of Atlanta was also extremely bloody. The Union lost upwards of 50,000 men in Georgia. By the time Atlanta fell, there was barely anyone left on the Confederate side to even put up a fight. All they could do was retreat and watch Sherman destroy everything by that point.

They let Americans just come down and change their way of life. They really did nothing as Georgia howled. People from America are just better than confederates. The People of Georgia were too stupid to have industry and they couldn't fight

perfect angle to go for. great job !!!

When do we escalate to murder?

Nice snaggle teeth faggot

I really hope this one goes all in. Jim said and admitted to a lot of insane shit on the O&A show that only a relatively niche audience has heard. More than any other documentary on the O&A crowd I hope this one blows up and gets real attention because it isn't just inappropriate jokes Jim made.

Joe is just as bad. At least Jim used to be funny. Can't believe i used to like the phony cunt, same with Norton.

Holy shit I've never heard that clip before. I am completely onboard with hating this faggot now.

shame on you for doubting

Would he be deported to Australia or UK?

I've never heard that groveling apologetic spiel he went on there. I always thought he was pretty funny, but now I want him ruined. Male feminists are the fucking worst.

Bust his hymen.

Long overdue. His stupid SJW fans who like him because he had 1 bit about gun control have definitely never heard his O&A appearances. Jefferies, just like Burr and C.K., gained fame by pandering to "progressives" who think they're edgy.

I think we all loved him back then. I'm not positive but didn't Vos sniff him out as a phony during his first appearance on O&A?

So did Patrice


fight SJWs with good documentaries exposing them brilliant.

Trying to hide your true degenerate self is one thing, but to wag your finger at all men and try to take a moral high ground is enraging. Fuck Jim jefferies, fuck his fat mom, and fuck his hair plugs. Hypocritical cunts fame hunger is on par with the worm's

I remember one episode of Jim and Eddie Talkin' Shit where he talked about pulling his dick out near women's faces when they weren't looking to surprise them when they turned.

Never found this cunt funny at all. "Oy Christians are so stuuuupid." Edgy stuff.

Atheists don't seem to realize they're just as annoying as the holy rollers they bitch about.

Oi kiddie fiddler cunt, ya career's about to be done.

It didn't have to be this way, Jim. Your gun control bit was great, and I'm very much against gun control. But it turned you into a monster. Good luck getting us back on your side after this comes out. It worked for Jamie Killstein, right?

Excellent title choice. I'm calling it now. This will be your most viewed Doc yet. The Pests really need to do their part and spread this everywhere we can when it is ready.

Don’t ever call us pests again, you fucking faggot cunt.


Thank you so much for this, I've been hoping this disingenuous prick gets called out. I sincerely want to see his career crash and burn, and for that clip of him UNIRONICALLY talking about drugging and raping (technically what it is) a 17 year old girl to be aired to the public at large.

And also fuck that Nazi faggot u/porsalin

Fuck you too

Why is there that clip of Norton talking in a weird accent right at the end there?

All male feminists are rapist cuttlefish lol.

I knew he had a fake progressive persona now but I had no idea this douche was out here pretending everything offensive he said in the past was smart political satire he never really meant.

I'm so turned on by the prospect of this doc I'm not sure my body can take it.

a sneaker male

...what: you mean a black man?

I may be Australian, but fuck this cunt. Take his soul, Beige.

Fuck you

Didn't white people in Georgia just stop the country from having it's first black female governor?

I'd say they're alright.

You're not wrong.

I was with you til you used cheers and sir in one post. Kindly fornicate a pinecone.

Fuck you too