Okay, but seriously, Jimmy was thinking about proposing to a tranny cam whore

1  2018-11-07 by Single_Action_Army

A lot of odd shit comes out of here but that one still boggles my noggin the most


Does it? Does it, really?

That's the point of no return, as far as I am concerned. Jim has always been strange and pathetic but that really takes it to a new level. I never say this, but Jim should seriously consider killing himself. I don't think this was a "bit." Jim really did fall in love with it and was heartbroken when he realized that it saw him as nothing more than a source of money.

I don't necessarily want Jim to die but honestly, killing himself is the right thing to do, for society. If you've reached that level of pathetic, then you don't deserve to breathe air any longer.

Even Anthony has options to make himself happy. If he would just retire, move to a red state, stay off social media, and for God's sake stop drinking, he could have a shot at happiness. He won't do this of course because he's a stubborn ass, but he has that option.

Jimmy has no options. No chance at being happy. Nothing will happen to him that will leave him feeling fulfilled. He was just born that way, destined for either suicide or living in squirming, wormy, twitching misery until he's killed by syphilis or AIDS.

Anthony could probably move across the street from Stanhope in Bisbee and they'd both be happy as clams keeping each other's secrets. Though something tells me that ant doesn't want to downgrade to mexican child hookers just yet.

If they're children it's an upgrade

Ant would be arrested by ICE if he was in Arizona. He's only safe in a sanctuary city.

He's already incapable of breathing without his Darth Vader apparatus anyway. God's been trying to give him a hint.

Being a dry drunk mother fucked me

His dependence on that machine for life is as real as his alcoholism and dependence on an "unnamed program" that he still understands so little about he doesn't realize you can say the name of the program and talk about it you just can't name or talk about the people that are there with you

No glasses but still a nigger. Smart thinking lol

The heart wants what it wants, it's a tough one.

She screwed up big time. Could’ve lived in the Manhattan Kiss Ozzy Castle for free, had her dick and feet rubbed at night by a loving husband. She talked to someone she shouldn’t have though. Probably another tgirl lover on chaturbate with a lot of tokens.

Did Jim ever confront Ant about this?

top 10 radio betrayals

"Did Jim ever confront-" What ever you end that question with, the answer is "No."

But did "Chip" confront them about it? Or at least passive aggressively mention a similar incident without using any names or specific details? "Maybe she fucked over some Kings or sumtin tss tss"

"Chip" said Norton was depressed and should kill himself.

Right you are.

Enough with the "she" !

We’re a tolerant bunch around here, bucko. Not to mention righteous crusaders against pedophilia.

I dunno, that thing was no where near 'passing', about as good as Norton in a wig and lipstick.

Wait, against?

Yeah it should have moved to NYC and met someone else interesting to hook up with and left Jimmy crying at the altar.

I thought Xim isn’t allowed in the country

Isn't. Previous criminal charges. Who knows what it did. Considering all the jihadist come in on student visas.

Doesn't matter. I made up the rumor about Anthony fucking his niece and it stuck as truth, and still does till this day. Just ride it out brother.

brother joe is currently frantically writing to his brother "those libtards admitted they made it up!!! Mother would have welcomed you again before her death!!"

p.s. my account is looking pretty low, can I get a top up brother? The pact remember?

didn't he awkwardly admit to that on his show?

The drunk fool admitted sniffing her panties and that he wanted to fuck her, but he never actually fucked her.

I'd respect him more if he had for some reason.

You're confusing "niece" with "cousin"

Yes. A guy made up something disgusting about Ant - pulled it out of thin air - and because it's Ant, it was 100% true. So Ant "owned it" on his show.

And he told various interviewers this as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

He said it in the same tone of voice that you'd say "I should probably rotate my tires soon."

"I'm thinking of marrying a male prostitute."

I don't hate him because he's gay, I hate him because he has no concept of normalcy.

"Imagine if hummingbirds married transexual prostitutes..."

Relax there, Rogan.

Jamie pull up that video of a hummingbird having sex with a squirrel

Fucking wild

dude can you imagine if that thing was, like, the size of a yorkie? it could be fuckin' me right now, man. wild.

Shit, do people hate that? I thought they saw me as a loveable kook.

Hey man but he shares the commonality of language

Okay tough guy

pats your shoulder And thanks for your service to our country.

He told various interviewers and couldn't shut up about it on podcasts.

But Jim & Sam? Off limits mister! My personal life stays personal! Please welcome Nikki Bella, how ya doin Nikki?

Did he really? I thought this sub was just assuming things. Which podcasts?

Joey Diaz and the Matt Serra podcasts are two I know he did it on. Other people joked about it, too. Normand I think did.

Haha thanks, I'll have to listen

Bobby Lee has referenced him being in love with a tranny on Tiger Belly on like three separate occasions.

Joe has talked about it too.

There's a few in The Worm Has Turned but I'm too lazy to look or timestamp.

Mark Normand said on LoS, "Jim Norton is dating a tranny."

No joke, no irony.

Bob Kelly made a joke about it too, don't know the clip.

Odd coming from the guy who refused to accept celebrities wanting to keep their private lives that way

He does have the concept, though. That’s what makes it worse. I remember he’d talk about proposing on certain podcasts, but he’d bring it up like how a mega-famous guy talks about his normal girlfriend: in the vaguest terms possible.

Norton isn’t mega-famous and he wasn’t trying to protect the prostitute. He knew the action would be criticized and mocked if he brought up the details behind the romance. So he only talked about wanting to settle down. If he was really a proud perv he’d talk about the whole history and embrace the weirdness of it (it would be doomed all the same, but still).

he'd also refer to him as "the person I'm with" as much as possible

what do you think is the actual number of hours they spent together in real life? less than 10?

Remember when his tranny whore couldn't get into the US because of previous criminal charges?

yep. he went on rogans and joeys diaz podcasts depressed and almost in tears because fallen for the fella in two months of "dating" and had gotten to the point of buying ring but discovered the fella was still cam whoring for tokens after telling jim he was go to quitting

I still don't get that. This guy has had relationships right?

atleast two or three chicks who are in comedy but they were dirty whores that would go along with his perverse sexual inclinations. all these "relationships" ended because of his addiction to dirty texts and prostitutes

He probably just hung out with them and told everyone they were going out.

Youre probably right

Or they realized Jim has no real industry pull to advance their careers.

Why won't you eat my ass, don't you love me?

Hard to imagine he couldn't make it work.

I know at least one incident was very vocal about how she didn't want to eat his ass until he got tested, and then 'bragged' he was clean and was going to be very obnoxious about making her do it. Completely oblivious she was making him go through hoops in the hopes he will just give up since normal GF's don't do literally anything you want since they are not dirty prostitutes.

"Why won't these BITCHES go out to lunch with me!"

I dunno, maybe because if the relationship develops you will insist they do really fucking gross, atypical shit during sex and everyone will assume she is fucking weird just by going out with you?

Why bother asking just 69 them with you on top eat them out until they're dirty cunts are sloppy wet then slowly fuck their mouths and then put your ass on their face. Or something.

You have a way with words, my friend.

I think they ended because he is a boring, one note, wormy cocksucker. Imagine having to sell yourself on a casting couch for Jim Norton.

Curious, has it ever been implied that Chelsea Perreti (*the one that married Jordan Peele I think*) played caca and peepee games with Jim? Was she the one who tried sticking a dildo in his ass, or was that Jen Carmody?


I have feeling Chelsea was the chick he would do all that weird foot stuff he likes

I find that just as weird as the caca and peepee games. Maybe not as patently gross, but just as skin crawlingly gross.

No. Jim has never had a real girlfriend. He’s basically an incel.

I barely follow all this and am still assuming you guys are exaggerating a kernel of truth. Do you have a link to somewhere Norton is actually talking about this?

I aint no librarian nigga check youtube

Well I'll be damned.

He was completely shamless about it too.

Bobby Lee spoke about the time that Jim told him he was in a relationship. Jim gave zero hints that he was dating a mentally ill man in women's clothes, then shows Bobby a load of pics of the Nordic she-beast while fully expecting to be complimented on its attractiveness.

"thats a fine musculature"

Its not even that he fell in love with dude looks like a lady. If that's his passion, god bless. But he fell in love with a literal whore who saw him as nothing more than a source of income. I've seen documentrees on these goofy guys who fall in love with strippers, start bringing them gifts, developing relationships, but they never fuck and it never goes anywhere. At the end of the day, despite all of the hugs and "thanks, sweeties," that stripper knows this guy is just a way to get more money and there is nothing of any substance there.

That's Jim. He's that guy plus the added depravity of Jim's stupid obsession with chicks with dicks. Jim looked at this creature and said to himself "Yep, she's the one." That's the hill he was going to die upon.

Patrice briefly joked about Norton falling for a Brazilian whore too. I would imagine it was just as devastating as the loss of prince Allen

The most pathetic version of that complex are the guys that pay to chat with European brides and then fly out to Ukraine, etc to meet them at like senior citizen proms. The one in the clip estimated that he had spent like $10,0000 just CHATTING with his bride (some guy in a chat room) and when he met her in person, the actress playing her couldnt remember any of the stuff they had talked about.



Not the mention the fact that he's a perversely prideful whore-afficianado of over two decades who is hopelessly addicted to his phone/internet over-immersion. And despite this wealth of shameful experience that should amount to "start smarts" was an effortlessly hoodwinked rube by a twenty-something Max Headroom impersonator with mental illness who's never held an actual job.

It's not the most hateable aspect of Jim, but it is easily the most pathetic. I wonder if he thinks every stripper he's ever paid is genuinely into him too.

This is something you would except from Bobo.

he's no better than those losers who throw money at twitch gamer sluts where the game is the smaller screen instead of the cam.

If these men are anything like me, they might simply feel more comfortable with prostitutes. I never pick them up to be abusive. I always feel extraordinarily loving and close to them.

Funny you mention that, he was upset when prostitutes wouldn't call to check up on him or call to offer their services. So yes he did overestimate his place in their lives

call to check up on him


"Intern Noah 1 wins, Jimmy loses"

That's the audio

Is there any actual info about this whole relationship or clips of people talking about it? Half the stuff in this sub I have no idea whats real and what isnt.

the worm has turned doc covers it pretty well.

Are any of those long ass docs actually worth watching? I swear there are like 10 30 minute ones.

That's because the autists who find evidence or clips title the posts like smug cunts. Instead of searchable titles. As if the reddit search engine wasn't worthless enough.

I don't care that he goes for trannies...more power to ya if you like that stuff. But it's how he thought about the whole relationship, it went from being funny to pathetic and sad

Went from one of Norton's 'crazy kinks' to intensely pathetic real quick.

Exactly. That picture of Norton and the viking together with him giving weird googly eyes is legit gross

The Worm thinks he's Richard Gere and every tranny cam whore is a hooker with a heart of gold. If he just climbs their fire escape and gives them enough tokens they will fall in love with him.

I find Jim's sharing on the show of how he loves the smell of her panties to be the most disturbing. Another guy's taint smell is a turn on for him.

People joke about it but in all seriousness, if this was your brother or father, son, friend, a trusted coworker - i mean, you'd be upset and disturbed about their descent into severe mental illness.

You'd try to avoid mentioning details because it would be really uncomfortable, you might try to reach out to family in ways 'talking around it'.

and you'd be right because this really is a descent into dangerous mental illness. He's sick. He's sick inside his heart and mind.

I've cut contact with people for shit far less crazy & creepy than this.

His smell was intoxicating.

Anyone have any YouTube links for the uninitiated?

Jimmy has no ability to discern between his bizarre molestation-rooted sissy cum-slut fantasies and reality. He's like a guy who "falls in love" with a stripper, only way, way more pathetic.

I might be a pathetic loser, but when times get tough I just tell myself, "At least I'm not Jim Norton".

Imagine being funny, famous, and rich and yet still so repulsive to women that the best you can do is a man dressed up as a woman who is also a camwhore.

I get where you are coming from but he’s none of those things

How did they fuck?

How many other O&A fans honestly felt that Jim deserved to be single forever back when O&A was in its prime or at least before we turned on Jimmy?

I was thinking all of this when he would complain about girls not having lunch with him but never saw anyone else say the same.

This isn’t controversial at all in hindsight but I always empathized with the girls who don’t want to date someone who says things on the radio that are just as disgusting as how he looks.

You have no chin, your physique is like an out of shape slug, and you go on air talking about how you pick up male prostitutes and how bad your fart smells.

Those fucking cunts always roll over the nice guy.

"Imagine if hummingbirds married transexual prostitutes..."

Shit, do people hate that? I thought they saw me as a loveable kook.

Hey man but he shares the commonality of language

He told various interviewers and couldn't shut up about it on podcasts.

But Jim & Sam? Off limits mister! My personal life stays personal! Please welcome Nikki Bella, how ya doin Nikki?

Why bother asking just 69 them with you on top eat them out until they're dirty cunts are sloppy wet then slowly fuck their mouths and then put your ass on their face. Or something.

He does have the concept, though. That’s what makes it worse. I remember he’d talk about proposing on certain podcasts, but he’d bring it up like how a mega-famous guy talks about his normal girlfriend: in the vaguest terms possible.

Norton isn’t mega-famous and he wasn’t trying to protect the prostitute. He knew the action would be criticized and mocked if he brought up the details behind the romance. So he only talked about wanting to settle down. If he was really a proud perv he’d talk about the whole history and embrace the weirdness of it (it would be doomed all the same, but still).

"Intern Noah 1 wins, Jimmy loses"

That's the audio

Well I'll be damned.