Joe "God Bless America" Cumia - 11/7/18

1  2018-11-07 by crookedmile


But obama was a dictator


If you want to look (and why would you want to do that to yourself) I distinctly remember Ant and Joe describing Obamas use of executive orders as unconstitutional and illegal.

This is all laylas fault!

Little bitch, always trying to get to school on time and do her homework

There's nothing stopping him from selling his shit house and buying like 100 acres in Wyoming where he can fire off as many guns and secretly suck as many cocks as he wants.

Maybe ant can't figure out how to send the ckecks in the mail.

all the cocks in wyoming have spurs on them

Imagine being this wrapped up in politics and believing it is all real.


New York can finally get legal weed without assholes in the state senate and assemblies blocking it, so go fuck yourself, BroJoe.

Yeahhhh maaaaaaaaaan.

Weed not being legal is what old conservative church-goers want. I'm not a "yeeaahh maan" weed advocate, it's just that not making it legal and reaping the tax benefits is retarded.

Every major city in America self destructs, Joe starts the corn farm he's always dreamed about, the economy thrives. Have fun with that one, stupid.

He only knows potatoes


The dopey jerk-off probably thumbs-upped the comment about liberal voters thinking "what can I get for free?" The intolerable irony. My own measly effort to know politics and form meaningful opinions about social issues, etc. arises from a sense that I have some responsibility to other people; but like many I feel it to be a burden that wouldn't exist in an ideal world. But one gets the sense that if there existed such a world where the petty, ugly squabbling between two hostile forces (all for the opportunity for boring egomaniacs to say "I told you so") did not, Joe Cumia would find it unideal. He truly LOVES the divisiveness of political talk and the pathetic sense of being part of a "Praetorian Guard" pitted against but ready to war with Huns (even if alternative, peaceful means were possible), and has eagerly allowed these to consume his life to the extent of their becoming the cornerstones of his repulsive SHIIIIIT personality. Fuck this faggot. Remember your hilarious "the '#' means 'pound' so '#METOO' must mean..." take a week back, Joe? Well, I want to peel your bald scalp like a russet potato and -- now get this -- '#' your skull with a meat mallet until your useless peanut brain trickles out like the streams of child saliva that, along with your younger brother's funds, have kept you alive all these years. My own hostility must seem hypocritical for one claiming to hate another's love of divisiveness, so let us all unite behind one message: #MAKEAMERICAHATEJOSEPHCUMIA


KK, amirite?

All of his friends on Facebook are retarded also

Well, wouldn’t you have to be?

“We’re so screwed here in so and so place.”

How so? Tell me how it will impact your life, instead of acting like you’re in the know.

“Well because POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, MAAAAAAAAAN” coming from old people is starting to annoy me more than the “everything is racist” shit.

Nothing in his life will change until Anthony stops sending him checks.


I don't think there is anything worse than the boomer generation latching onto all this 4chan speak, talking about triggered snowflakes and libtards. Its the modern equivalent of your old aunt talking about being on fleek and getting jiggy wit it.


That should be written as “liberal majority’s” to denote ownership. Nice writing, stupid.

Joe is hoping for civil war because in his own delusion he sees himself on the front line mowing down defenseless liberals, when in reality he would be on the front line and first to be shot. Both sides would put down their weapons and cheer.

Hey, those potatoes won’t peel themselves

get a job faggot

Aren't those "rotting organs" he mentioned the parts of America that actually make money?

No idea how our republic works fa la la la la.