J&S is officially the worst show on SXM

1  2018-11-07 by Virginia_Beach

For the past year I've been listening to audio books instead of the J&S show. I just finished up a book yesterday and decided to give the show a listen since it's been awhile. And holy shit is it bad. I mean, worse than Opie Radio bad. They had Mary Jean call in and talk for 45 minutes as to why she was late to getting to a porn convention. I can't fucking believe how lazy these two assholes are. Rather than prepare content for their show, they somehow think calling a brain dead whore is entertaining. NO ONE gives a fuck about this stupid whore. She's not funny. She's not pretty. She's not talented. She lets people fuck her for money. That's her existence, a whore.

Severing all ties with this shit. Fuck Jim, Fuck Sam. Fuck Chip. Never will Norton see another dollar of mine.



a whore

Hey now let's not bad mouth all prostitution.

I've got no beef with prostitutes, just this dumb, void of talent, Puerto Rican

95% of this sub would fuck her. The other 5% choose rascism over pussy or are faggolas.

Judging by this post you're both.

Nice statistics, dickhead.

She is hideous. You are wrong.

95% of this sub would fuck her.

Doesn't mean she should be on the radio.

I'd fuck almost any nonfat bitches. Doesn't mean I wanna listen to them

I'd fuck her. I don't even hate the woman. I completely despise her as a talk radio guest tho. Pornstars are uninteresting. And that's being nice.

Yep she’s supremely fuckable with those big fake cartoon tits but listening to her talk is pointless

I can tell you don’t have good listening skills because they say she’s Dominican approximately 20 times per appearance.

I only listened to about 5 minutes of the conversation then fast-forwarded to see how long it went. Dominican, Puerto Rican, I don't give a fuck what she is. The fact that a 50 year old man and that mongoloid give her dumb ass a platform is unacceptable on a "comedy" show.

You seem to care a lot about her. I don’t even know what she looks like.

Her picture has been posted here dozens of times. You don’t have to be a huge fan of hers to know what the ugly skank looks like. I mean we’ve literally had huge threads making fun of her appearance. It’s the only use she has to anyone here.

She looks like a Ninja Turtle

I want to believe.

A whore is good for one thing and it isnt talking

I only listen to the wrestling interviews and I watch them on youtube. fuck supporting the little doggie company.

So you’re the one guy in the fan base that Sam insists on catering to.

Anyone who downvotes Patbattle should go Troyquann themselves off the nearest high thing.

You’re a faggot.

yesterday after he said "votes are secret" he went the extra mile and said "locations are secret."...Everyone was uncomfortable saying "I have no idea what those words mean in conjunction with one another" and then teft took one for the team and suggested it was a pun about his mom to which sam over laughed and then they swiftly moved on.

That was some kind of secret thing he was not supposed to mention.

What do you mean locations are secret? They're advertised and specific. People can't just vote wherever they you want, they gotta go to the proper polling stations in your districts.

What did jim mean by locations are secret?what did jim mean is the question. It was a reference to something he does where the locations of the participants/members are kept secret to civilians or people not involved with whatever he does secretly voting and going to secret locations. I think its a freemason reference because you have to have all white marbles in the ballot box to join a lodge. If one black marble goes in the box you are blackballed and not allowed in. So that would explain the votes are secret part.

but the secret locations thing suggest an exclusive masonic thing he is not allowed to mention. Hooker club? Something like that. Maybe he gouges the eyes out of kids that's his holy little secret he bases his entire personality on.

he said "there are no strangers just people we haven't met yet" which is a motto of a sub group of the shriners called the royal order of jesters which apparently is very common in comedy and maybe even a requirement or gate-keeping force of sorts.something like that.

orrrrrrrr... he's just an idiot.

that would not explain why he would say something that is very much a real force at work in society. its like saying "visio soundbar" out of context seething you don't just make that up.

Your food is ready at the next window if you'd just drive ahead, Mr. Ventura.

This is stupid. I instantly clocked that it was a travis mom joke, and was surprised when none of the staff got it. Was awkward radio none the less.

The majority of SXM subscribers are new car owners. They might listen to the music and maybe a Howard Stern interview with an "A-lister". They have zero idea who Sam and Jim are. They don't know who Ron Bennington is or Jason Ellis or anyone there other than the big name people. The fact that the management has J&S not only as the morning drive show but just gave them a 3-year contract shows that the company does not care about the content nor the subscribers.

Hell they likely didn’t even know who Opie and Anthony were. There’s a reason XM lost to Sirius.

No one besides member of this sub know who o&a were/are. That show suckkkkeddddd.

It really was an awful, incompetently produced radio show that was held up by a handful of funny moments.

Don’t forget that ratings mean fuck all. They get your money either way.

At this point Sirus Xm has to be just a write-off for the owners.

If they dont care about content then hire me, ill spew corporate bullshit for 8 hours a day.

It’s not worse than Sam on hits 1

Oh my heeeeeeeeeead...

Jim mentioned being a Whig to seem quirky and the quickly moved on after reading the wikipedia page..he moved on from the whig party because it was formed from the antimasonic party and he did not want to mention the antimasonic party. https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/hdgfak.png

today bonnie is talking about a show she mc's called "secret handshake" called that because she gets big acts to go there by doing an unexplained "secret handshake". Rich vos talks about golf because golf is some kind of secret masonic thing. Bonnie lit their house on fire doing tarot cards. Bonnie was at the friars club with lynsi according to anthony. Bonnie is a masonic cult person and so is most of these fake ass comics that all sound like yannis papis. "Yeah bro im like whatever right now onwards and upwards". Onwards and upwards is a masonic saying and theo von has the catchphrase "onwards" which fans have engraved metallic objects and given to theo because he says it on his podcast.

um....huh? you ok buddy? is there someone I should call for you maybe?

Jim is a little boy who gets excited by the attention he receives from women who friend zone him. Mary Jean, Kelsey Cook, the waitress he literally stalks, any whore he has open for him on tour, etc.

He is a pathetic loser.

He is a pathetic loser.

he's like this with his male relationships too. the way he subjugates himself to Sam is disgusting. Sam has become the responsible, father-like man of the relationship in the way Opie was. A dude who could almost be his son. heard a recent clip, from a show after the 3 year contract was announced, and you can feel Jim's full acknowledgement sense of knowing he has the 'inferior' position in the professional relationship.

He's the ultimate cuck.


I want to laugh ta this but I do the same thing. Does anybody know how to stop trying to get validation from women that will never, ever fuck you?

Does anybody know how to stop trying to get validation from women that will never, ever fuck you?

yeah, stop talking to them


they had an "on-air fight" with the whore and an intern, but it was so badly acted and contrived it made me want to vomit. Soon they're gonna be doing fake prank calls.

"Hey this is Hooty Mcboobalicious. i went on your radio program and bees stung my boobs!"

Sir, that never happened


And the intern was bored with it. Because even he knew it was horrible radio.


She's not pretty. She's not talented.

Even if she was, why the fuck would anyone want to listen to her on the radio if she's not funny and doesn't have anything interesting to say? All the porn whores are fucking boring, even on the old show. The only good way to handle them is to fuck with them by bringing in naked Bobo or something.

I caught that episode live and was tempted to call in and bitch about having that fucking retard Mary Jean on the show.

I feel like they would have just ended up saying "Well if you don't like it, don't listen." So I stopped listening.

Sam is the biggest problem. He's such a condescending piece of shit; he can't take a joke, he can't make a joke, he can't do any impressions at all, he has no interesting stories to tell. He brings nothing to the table.

He brings nothing to the table

Replace 'He' with 'She' and you've got the perfect description of Mary Jean.

Perfect goddamn description of alien head fuck nut Sam: can’t take a joke, can’t make a joke. That’s sammyboi bitch ass hack.

You don't think asking sarcastic questions is good radio?

If there's one thing that Norton's various solo endeavours have proven (his godawful Vice show, his books, the Chip cartoon and podcast) it's that he isn't very funny and has absolutely zero ability to discern what is entertaining. It's almost as if his years of being intermittently hilarious on the radio was a complete fluke and down to being around people like Patrice and pre-brain rot Anthony.

Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy only ever had value as a team. They are complete garbage apart. They know this, which is why they gave up. They’re not even trying anymore.

I wonder if there are any people left who remember the early XM days when half of the callers hated Jim and wanted him off the show. It was an ongoing thing for a while where O&A had to assure everyone that Jim was there to stay.

I didnt know this. Do you have any clips that show this?

No idea. I listened to them years ago off a website that had all of the old episodes. It would have been around 2004.

...What do you mean by that? * blinking rapidly *

I listened for like the first week and haven’t listened since. How the hell did they get a 3 year contract

You're late to the party if you ask me

Maybe now that that cunt Jason Ellis is off

tss tss why dont you tell us how you really feel

Chip isn’t welcome here.

thats the bit stupid

But you still did it, and he still isn’t welcome here. Oh God. Now I’m talking as if Chip were a real person. You are right to hate me.

I dont hate you I pity you

But not enough to visit me in the loony bin hospice when I lose my mind - I’ve been Ro’d.

problem is there is no comedy anymore, 0 bits, 0 jokes, just people talking... very boring.

I am not sure how anybody can listen to the J&S show on a daily basis. There is absolutely nothing funny or interesting about any topic they bring up. They have no ability to have an interesting conversation with someone who is even semi famous. And hearing Sam in general is quite painful. It is such a shame too because I do think Sam and gym together we’re pretty funny many many years ago. But now is just awful trying to listen to them

Here is the big question, how many here would raw dog?

Some of my hardest laughs once came via Norton's and Cumia's humor . . . live. I'm with OP now; can't even listen anymore.

It's amazing the inflated egos these two assholes have. No one is looking for them, they were renewed cause they are cheap. It's radio so bland and boring I can't even hate listen.


Even reading your two sentence synopsis of this episode bored me.