Artie starting to look more and more like this character on MadTV

1  2018-11-06 by gimmeass2018




He looks worse.

"my nose lookin' worse than bruce jenners vagina!" ::WEEEEZE::

Babewatch, holy shit aint seen that in over 20 years? Lange was great in thsoe early MAD TV years (mid 90s). That's my white Mama sketch was fucking hysterical.

That’s the sketch he was filming when he had his little breakdown and OD’ed or something, right? Who can keep track of his ODs anymore.

No OD that day. That day all he did was leave the set in the middle of shooting a sketch that he was the lead of to go score coke and then tear through the prosthetic pig nose, which took a couple hours to put on, at a stop light, in order to get a couple key bumps in him. Apparently at some point he looked in the car next to him and they were just watching in shock and horror.

He must have told that story a dozen times on the Stern show, which is odd, since Artie is not really known for repeating himself.

don't forget he woke up the next morning and had shit himself, which he just covered up and left.

Artie was good as a sketch comedian. He's a horrible standup and sucks on radio though.