Reminder: Opie literally stayed home for 3 days because of a mean tweet

1  2018-11-06 by Layzerbeamz

You can exaggerate Jim all you want, Opie is by far the most fragile person from the show. (With the exception of Danny.)


Thought it was “the cunt won’t even look at me” text?

Correct. He said he was quitting.

Honestly I can't really remember, but according to this thread it was because of the tweets.

Nah it was, he talked about it in the “opie cries” show. He got the text and was about to quit.


I wouldn't look at ol' pedo buckshot face either.

If I found out my long time suspicions about my two co hosts in the form of a text message calling me a cunt I'd be fucking furious for awhile.

and also then realizing that those same 2 deviants were having a teenage girly back & forth (for all he knows all day, everyday) making fun of you with you right there for who knows how log. Fucking cowards

I believe he was also trying to renegotiate his contract with Bob and Greenstein.


Who couldn't use a little break from those two sexual deviants?

That's what we call a "power move".

Especially the 'not having the ability to meet another man's gaze' part.

He knew he would DESTROY Anthony, so he was the bigger man and stayed home.

All 3 main players here are fragile & should be in serious therapy.

Maybe he didn't like 2 of the worlds biggest faggots taking passive-aggressive shots at him

He’s as big a fag as the others, and he has been so for much longer.

Didn't Ant say in the "Gregshells" Compound show that Opie stayed home for days because of the FH Riley's shit? When Ant went there and tweeted how shitty it was. Ant said mgmt ordered him to fix it, he didn't say how he did it.

Wait when did we start hating Opie again?

Only fags go with the Opie love bit.

nice try with the hate tho

Reminder. Anthony stabbed the guy who made him rich and famous and helped him escape a horrible count wife in the back because he wasn't nice to his new intern dick sucking lobster girl girlfriend.

The sub is fucking pathetic, opie is king.

Opie sucks.

Opie made you faggot.

Who wouldn't? His former friend was a cunt for doing that.