Beautiful English cheeks to cleanse the Schumoo palate

1  2018-11-06 by TonyFromLongIsland


This bitch is so over rated. And fuck the brits.

They should have found a real blond. Her eyebrows are god damn disconcerting.

she can't act for shit but has somehow shoehorned a successful hollywood career.



*sounds of gagging on cock*


I really don't get the obsession over her.

her tits are terrible and her ass isn't far behind. Only virgins interested in dragons and wizards fawn over her.

She hooked up with very masculine heterosexual Seth MacFarlane, that guy has enough fuck it money he can get his beard any job she wants.

I like dem above the buttslit dimples

And Kylie Minogue ?

im not into fat chicks.

Always thought that bitch was Italian for some reason. Little Nonna body having mug.

welp, I guess I know who I am fapping to later.

:::::throws up hands::::::

Throwing up hands, what are you Jeffrey Dahmer or something?

Stannis Baratheon is the one true king.

Worst waste of a character...

Carl Grimes would like a word.

That show is terrible. For most people I know, it's either a guilty pleasure or something they have to watch to get closure.

Littlefinger and Stannis and the Dorne plot and the Ironborn plot and Arya in Braavos and... fuck this show fell off a cliff after season 4.

Is it confirmed he’s out of it? I thought he died off camera, I’m expecting him to come back as a white with some kind of kingsblood mutation

The giant woman cut his head off.

We’re talking about a fucking mythical fantasy fairy land cunt. Are you telling me after the tomboy gets gutted by Anthony and drops into water riddled with shit and piss and come out the other end of a fight with the Waife to become a shapeshifting assassin, there isn’t some fucking wiggle room to be like “ Dun Dun Dun, the one true king, back as a white to take the throne”

It’s called a song of ice and fire, stannis probably comes back, it becomes Jon Snow (fire) and stannis (ice). They’ll probably do some hack shit like stannis rides the white dragon and Jon rides that one that took a shine to him and they have some corny duel in the air as C and D list characters get wiped off in rapid cut succession.

Dude, the writers are hacks. They didn't understand why people liked the character. He ain't coming back.

I am a douche bag book reader. In the books he's alive

So is Barristan. The show killed him twice.

Better father than Joe Cumia too

Ah, the good old days when she was nude every episode. Now she's just a bland "hero" with a smug, bitchy resting face who everyone fawns over.

British shit cutters. I like the segment

Yuck! I wouldn't touch that fat bitch! Now let me go sleep next to my smelly gf with the ass pimples.

This bitch is so bad... only thing worse than her physical attributes is her acting


She's so hateable as an actress. A big part of why I stopped watching GoT.

Great character. Nice ass. Shitty actress.

I wouldn't mind sticking my dick in her, if you catch my drift.

hahahah wait can you be more specific???? LOL :P


She's a midget.

The worst one on that show is Sophie Turner, always with a fuckin' smirk on her face.

Oh I like me some Sophie Turner, though.

B+ Would cockstab.

I have a better ass and i'm a man. What kinda women do you breed in Brittain?

Red Queen's body is 100 times better.

The verdict is in: O&A pests love Dany's butt cheeks.

Who thinks that’s a nice ass? Pale and flat.