Repeated and friendly reminder that at this point nothing is more hack than hating Opie.

1  2018-11-06 by InnocentChrisKuhn

Brothermen don't die, they multiply!


Shut up sheep. You were manipulated by a handful of people from the Discord and instantly went along with it.

You are the NPC here. The Opester is delivering for three months now, how blind are you child rapists that you can't see it?


You're right, brothaman.

you suck circlejerk cock

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

It rhymes, so its true.

Gregg don't crack

youtube o and a hack listener

shut up faggot. this sub will return to hating all three, and the faggots that opie hired to ruin this glorious place will disperse. is it any coincidence that the best year of this sub was the year we shit on all three of them? i think not. fuck off, cunt

I think you're wrong but you're entitled to your opinion. God Bless brothaman.

Can’t wait

Continue your one-dimensional thought processes then and see where that leads you.

nigga u gay

At least I can say I’m the only one who didn’t buy the We Love Opie bit. Some faggots have taken it serious and exposed themselves

Even contemplating if it is a bit or not is retarded. Literal one-dimensional thought.

Opie is burying the Worm and the Dirty Arab like nobody on this sub. It is very entertaining and deserving of awe.

Every good slam, every good joke is ultimately rooted in truth, so it doesn't matter if an individual user is either ironically praising somebody or not.

You guys are mentally underdeveloped, no wonder your hate is so easily manipulated by Ant and the Worm. Sad

nice pontification stupid

nice 12th post in this thread saying nothing you babyfucker

not just you, id say a good 10% here were vehemently opposed to it. i tried for like 2 months trying to stop it but nothing worked. but thank god, i knew that fat titted retard would ruin it for himself somehow.

this nigga right here is a top three offender.

go for the neck you magnificient faggots.

its time to start setting fire to these fake ass positive opie posts like villages in the cong. it says kill on my helmet.

Jim Norton's act.

Nope the bit works as long as greggerpoo doesn't act like a bigger fag than the other two. The why Joe why vid exposed his homotwatism

Chip is more hack.

this sub writes the reality, not responds to it