Reminder: Norton confessed rape and multiple istances of sexual harrassment on O&A

1  2018-11-06 by PierligBouloven

Let the world (especially twitter) know


wtf i like norton again now

You shouldnt, he is a rapist

rapists are a mixed bag, some good some bad.

This isn’t gaining traction, no matter how many alts you use to push it.

This is not an alt. Go away Jim, we will take you down

Then I must be Jim too faggot. Delete your account fuck face.

Keep sucking that opportunist rapist's balls, if that's your deal

As long as it keeps you whining, Fawk Yeah Tsss

Keep up the push. send out emails, tweets?, morse code, let the world know what a rapey worm morden is

links please

If you're going to say something like this you gotta post proof.