Any victory tomorrow is either going to one group of fags or another. But this is still the funniest thing that's happened between them this year...

1  2018-11-06 by TangerineReam


How could you see this and think both sides are equally retarded?

Oh no I hate the Left and Dems more these days. They're the real problem. But I'm no fan of the unrealistic fags on the far right. These days I'm more center left or right I guess.

That's a tough one, man

How dare you?

Because Fox purposefully puts retarded fags like this guy on their show to make liberals seem hateable. Just like how the view had stupid cunt Elizabeth Hasselbeck on to make Repubs look stupid.

"how dare you"

What a faggot

My fate is sealed

They just use dramatic words and noises like "absolutely" to pepper their language with faux excitement.

Womp womp

I busted out laughing when I heard it the first time and my girlfriend got extremely pissed and we argued about it.

I bit that bitch’s hands and kicked her ribs.

Fun times.



Downvoted because of your name, but what you said is true.

My mom is a girl and she says that a mommy is her boy's best friend. Since I never had a friend, it's all I have.

All these small issues to distract you that they're one and the same on foreign policy

You, sir, are not a speaker of truth.

Womp Womp

that bald guy seems like a real fag

I still like this one. The guy completely seized up and after the deafening silence Jake was just gonna let him off the hook entirely after that humiliation.

Rude remark eliciting fake outrage