He's pretty much rubbing our noses in it now.

1  2018-11-06 by nomobjustice


This is real. He killed his wife. All we have to do is dig a little deeper and we will catch him in a lie.

They can’t ban this place if we solve a murder, right?

Exactly. That's called tenure.

All his wife is worth to him now is ammunition to makes bitchy little comments like this on Twitter to totally epically pwn these white men.

If Patton Oswalt cares about women so much how come he killed one?

Guilty conscious eating him up inside

I bet he's good friends with Troy

How do you deliver coffee to your wife in bed and notice she’s dead? 🤔

She always slept on a huge streak of shit and piss.

Did Opie call out Patton for not going on the paaaahd-kest the last time he was in New York?

If Opie raises questions about Patton’s wife, game over.

yeah LITERALLY! get it, cuz he's a murderer

patton aint very funny

He brought her fentanyl laced coffee. Then he went off to tweet for a couple hours, comes back and whoops she's dead. Then he instantly marries a former Disney prostitot. There seems to be some sort of pizza at foot. Ritual sacrifice perhaps?

Bare minimum his negligence contributed to his wife dying. I know drug addicts and they don't have that many drugs going through their system at once. I doubt she was scoring all that with her publishing connections and buying it with her mediocre book sales money.

I like how no one seems to mention his new wife is literally a billionaire

No she isn't.

Yes she is you dumb fuck, she's a heiress. Now go delete your account, it reeks of soy

Wikipedia says her dad was a dentist, what's the family fortune from?

Lol wikipedia says Hitler is still alive as well

What the fuck does that even mean, how is dis bitch a billionaire

the fact that he keeps responding to these fucking things - just block the guy and be done with it.

Hello there fellow kids! Hop on the good foot and do the bad thang! Vote democrat! 11:35 AM from Mansion Helicopter

"Sleep until you wake up are dead." -Patton Oswald.

To be fair, Michael looks like a creep too.

I’ve been saying this for a while and am 100% not joking. His wife died of a slow overdose of her own prescriptions which is almost unheard of, and immediately after it surfaces that Patton is corresponding with what was likely a childhood crush of his. Not to mention his tv and radio appearances on the incident were very underwhelming. This circumstantial evidence alone would have been enough to warrant at least a deeper investigation in any other case. Not sure why he was given a pass and I’m really confident he was at least slightly more involved than he’d admit

If Opie raises questions about Patton’s wife, game over.