Nice ass, stupid.

1  2018-11-06 by Don_Panera


Nice takeout box prop, Muffintop.

I doubt that's a prop

"Eating for two, right ladies?"

Tonnes, maybe

A lot of Terry Clifford lookalikes in that audience

sweet hearted wonderful ladies? I doubt it

Physically,not spiritually

It's worse than Kelsey Cook's ass.

To use the idiom of Ms. Cook: Kelsey is an opener; Amy is the garage door.

It’s worse than Kelsey Grammer’s ass

"Oh good lord."

90 lbs of chocolate pudding in burlap sack.

Buzz, your girlfriend - woof!

I made my waistline-- disappear...

I made my waistline dissappear.

sick movie ref, bro.

Sick memespeak, enormous homosexual.

it's so strange the shit that gets massively downvoted here. this sub is so fucked.

I'm sorry, I hate to do this, I'm not one of those people who sends food back a lot, in fact I have never done it before now, but I asked for cheese and bacon bits with this baked potato, and sour cream. This potato is bland and flavorless and I hate it

Sir where are my chives?

fucking diaper ass

Doiper? Do you buy doipers?

I been through hell, I been through back

Lady Di incontinence ass.

What’s your name fatbody?????

private garbage pile

That's the joke though. Its high art

She got that diaper money.


It had a rather narrow band of relative attractiveness

Still. she probably can gorf.

Jesus Christ, her body doesn't even resemble a female figure anymore.

She makes the Michelin man look sexy.

It looks like Artie Lange circa 1997

Sprinkles Jew broads on cheesburgers

Nah. She's got a long fat-back for an ass, about 90lb overweight. She's gotta be 220 now. She's become a legit monster.

Where’s James Holmes at when you need him?

Locked away forever?? Tss


we don't make baby noises here

No u.

What a frump

is that Artie?

This bitch smells like hot dogs

What's the ass equivalent of a flatso?

Usually the same condition

In the dog world she'd be an Asso Flatso.

There is a very similar breed, midnight black though, called a Dassa Besso.


I never thought it would be that bad.

Hank Hill has a better ass


"Hank... you have no ass"

What's that on the stool? Chinese takeout? She cant make it through a set without a snack.

My best guess would be a Donut 12 pack.

Known as a 'light snack' in the Schumer household.

Jesus Christ, she has a box of take out on stage.


It looks like something from a pastry shop btw. China Men don't use nice boxes like that.

She pounds full sized cakes like South Park Sally Struthers.

I was guessing chicken wings

What a frumpy looking bitch

McNugget ass

Her ass is so big it grew its own ass.

That's actually the absence of an ass, pal

But it's big no ass.

That retard that married her has to fantasize, daily, about killing her then himself.

You think he managed to weasel around a prenup?

Long n’ low.

Like a cute Mexican girl after 30.

There is absolutely nothing more tragic than a fat girl with a flat ass. That's even worse than a fat girl with no tits

This is so true. Used to work with a pig with average tits but no ass. She looked a spitting image of The Penguin from Batman.

Wow. She really goes all out to get ready for her sellout crowds. This looks like a person who has completely given up.

Built like a brick shithouse shitty brick.

She did a show on her way to the dry cleaners.

Nice outfit, stupid.

Bitch ass bitch

Concave ass bitch.

She looks like a bag of lawnwork.

Towards the end of his incarcerated life, spree killer Richard Speck began to (try) to transition into a woman, using black market hormone pills, in an effort to become a more attractive sex toy for the black inmates who he relied on to supply him with the cocaine he'd become addicted to.

She looks like him.


why, though...

She has less ass than Derosa has shoulders

The ass of a 65 year old librarian.

This room is very diverse. Looks like the 50's space program.

The jews will pay for this vial creature lol why doesn't it "perform" in Israel lol not there taste weird


"Why aren't you so laughing? Fred from Brooklyn loffed and loffed when I practiced this at home"

I have no idea what that means but it's hilarious

I used to work with a woman who had an ass like this. She also had a colostomy bag, dry brittle hair, and the unpleasant aroma of medicine and ass

I hope you beat her in the parking lot one day

What are the chances during this photo she is lecturing the crowd that if they dont vote women will die?

I’d still smash

She's likeable god dammit

" And then the smelly cab driver jammed his retarded fingers in my drunken vagina "

Artie Lange growing out a rat tail during his final days on earth

who edited out the birkenstocks, laser blaster and star wars characters?

How is she even getting a crowd of that size still? I really hate humanity. I want to gas the entire building.

Libtard cunts and their beta cucks


Women’s liberation was a mistake.

Oinky oinky

The only funny bone in her body is her sloppy ass

She used to be fuckable

She dresses like Bob Kelly


Shes gonna look like Nanette after she queefs out that kid and gains another 75 pounds

Her stomach is wider than her hips

Big through the hips, roomy

Everything about her is nasty. Zero sex appeal, how is that even possible?

She has the same body as Artie Lange

Nasty frumpy bitch

Artie still pullin okay crowds looks like

Nothing remotely fuckable about this waterbuffalo.

Reminder: Anthony Cumia, Jim Norton and Ron Bennington repeatedly openly lusted about how hot she was.

Remember when she said she was going to play a boxer in a biopic about who gives a shit?

Nice Polish peasant grandmother body, you shapeless lump.

From behind she seriously looks like my mom, who is a chubby woman in her 60's.

Looks more like she's dressed for breakfast than performing in front of people.


She would have to crash diet and exercise religiously for two years just to make it to frump.

The Frump

This is the angle you can't hide with makeup or clothes and whatever. But it's worse then you would think. She's really turned into a fat old lady.

Finally, a woman who talks about her vagina. #brave #hilarious #shepersisted #ibrokeanotherchair

She has the body of an 80 year old.

Jews used to laugh about it,they thought it was a joke,there not laughing anymore..........

It’s a damn shame that she’s no longer single! 🙄

She has King of the Hill body.

what a frump.

Clapping motherfuckers

I've never seen a woman's body reject excess fat the way Amy Schumer's does.

Like a cute Mexican girl after 30.

There is a very similar breed, midnight black though, called a Dassa Besso.