Fucking Yuck Mary Jean's stretch marks on her ass

1  2018-11-05 by Horse-Puppies


Ejaculating penises are fine with you though

Yes, especially if they are bouncing cum off my ass

I pronounce you 'Good Egg.'

Oh, downvote me, will ya? Well whoever did that can TAKE A FLYING LEAP

Downvoted bother you u/forcefeednana do they? Good to know

I salute you for at least giving her a try in your session.

Out of all the booty pics you chose this, mmkay.

Ha,Ha, tight-twat

“Co-ed” from 1978

Sue takes cock in her "tight" "twat"

She is so ugly that she can't get Jim to fuck her. He at least holds out for a pregnant hooker smoking crack.

Shut the fuck up and jump off your 'terrace,' Jim

Beats coming on a tissue.

Sports sock

At least tissues are pure and white

Maybe if she had something resembling an attractive face this would be okay, but everything about her is disgusting.

Boi if you wouldn't expediently cram your dick in that hole THEN YOU'RE A FAGGOT FAT BODY PRIVATE PYLE!!!

I don't stick my dick in ugly, and definitely not where black dicks have been, if I can help it.

You don't stick your dick anywhere but in your hand

Do you have a quota you try to meet every day for posting? 200 times minimum? Is it Adderall, meth, or both?

He is just a faggot.

A neth fueled, spergy faggot. I'd choose a sock over Mary Jean any day.

At least you won't have to hear the sock on air.

Anyone’s who’s fucked a pussy truly doesn’t believe in that sentiment

Wrong. There's a reason the highest paid porn stars don't fuck blacks.

That’s not actually a true a statement. Do your research buddy

Idk man, that bother me. The, what looks like ballsack veins on the ass is peculiar, but I'll just assume they're slap marks.

This guy puts up numbahs

In the right light she looks decent but that fake ass is horrible. Worst trend in cosmetic surgery ever.

It's easy to say that, except that would delete from history the time an Alheimer demented Regis Philbin investigated Nicki Minaj's ass with his bare hand on live television.

I expect you'll retract your erroneous statement and issue a public apology.

No lights?

Literally everything about her is fucking yuck

This particular slab of marble is known as Red Verona Varicose.

Looks like she was attacked by a tiger.

If you didn't have to talk to her ... just walk in and fuck her (the way you wanted too ..none of that 4 fingers up the ass Troy had to deal with ) everyone here would

No shit, retard

Say this outloud ....I ..am...we ....tall....did

It's the bad tattoos...eww.

Nice unclipped dick too. What a couple of gross people fornicating on camera.

Some sick fucks love that trash

It's easy to say that, except that would delete from history the time an Alheimer demented Regis Philbin investigated Nicki Minaj's ass with his bare hand on live television.

I expect you'll retract your erroneous statement and issue a public apology.

No lights?