Comforting reminder: Joe has left a trail of utter embarrassment behind him for his daughter to discover when she decides to Google him. She's going to absolutely hate him.

1  2018-11-05 by AndRiseAgain


I'm sure she has plenty to hate him for already and that's before the sodomy.

At some point she's going to be calling an African American gentleman Daddy

Ant, right?

Wouldn't this be prime bullying material for Layla? Not from us, but from her bitchy classmates?

We all know being woke is cool and being a racist nazi is like the worst thing you can be if you're going to a Long Island high school. Someone gets word there's a documentary about Layla's daddy where he says all this racist shit and even interviews a grand wizard of the KKK. If you're a cunty little cheerleader who needs to pick on other girls, be like striking oil.

That's exactly what I mean. Joe is such a piece of utter shit that he puts his own ego above the fear of embarrassing/bringing harm on his own children. The People's Court appearance was a perfect example of that. It was purely done out of ego and try and get a victory over somebody else rather than for the money. Nobody with half a brain would've thought humiliating themselves on TV was worth recouping a couple of grand to split between 4 people.

He is just fucking hateable in every way.

Are you suggesting that Joe Cumia, who takes monthly pay cheques from his younger brother to survive, doesn't have any shame?

Good thing he can't manage to get her to school

Doesn’t he gloat about homeschooling her?

I'm sure that's going well.

"If uncle Anthony gives me $3500 a month, for a total of $42,000 a year, but unforeseen circumstances lead him to only being able to pay me $700 a month, how long is it until I start poisoning his kegs of Guinness and looting his house of anything with any resale value?"

I wonder if she’ll get it right.

Kegs of Guinness

Hah, he can't afford those anymore. He drinks bottles of Bud Lite now.

Is the market in need of dinosaur toys

I love shaming children into accepting my communist values.


He definitely has lists of names from users on this sub.

Wouldn't the effect his stupidity on his child be us having a direct effect on their lives?

Bullying material Material for he future boyfriends to use during fights EMPLOYER background checks

Joe really is a stupid fuck

This is probably why Welfare Joe doesn't bother getting her to school on time. He wants to make sure Layla remains illiterate so he can shield her from the dark truth about her unemployed, poor excuse of a father.

OG Catholic Church tactics.

Ol' bologna tits just never learns.

I promise. PROMISE. that she will grow up to hate him more than even we do.

Like all teenage girls she will rebel in a way that will pain him deeply and he'll pretend he doesn't mind at all even as it eats away at his very will to live. She'll become a teen socialist, inter-racial lesbian or an EDM artist or something. They'll pose for holiday photos together and he'll force a wide smile, all the while knowing he was responsible for driving her into the arms of everything he hates. It'll be pretty funny.

That girl is probably growing up to be jerk-off too.

She is going to cite this screenshot when they have the blowout argument over her moving out to go live with her MS-13 baby daddy.

I bet Joe sheds that pro-life view real fast when Pedro shoots a hot load in her.

I love that the 2u website doesn't even come up till the third page of google.

I feel that would be even better if searching for 2U didn't bring up the actual result until page 3.

A search of 2U band should be pages if pedophilia Joe related content first snd foremost.

The NOT A PEDOPHILE thumbnail gets me every time.

"theyre online terrorists, sweetheart"

I’m almost positive that she already hates him.

Ant, right?