
1  2018-11-05 by SpaceCaseBassFace


You can still read the name he tried to cover. What a buffoon.

Apparently you aren't familiar with Joe's stupidity. He has doxxed himself multiple times, one of which was an attempt to post his own concealed carry permit. If you had a bunch of internet "trolls" fucking with you all of the time, you might not want to post that type of information on social media. But when you are as dumb as Joe Cumia, all bets are off.

I'm fully aware of it, it's just hard to fathom of the depth of stupidity.

He's more dense than a fucking anvil. Hope this helps....

Don't forget he showed everyone his Big Apple Ranch membership. He swallows cowpoke loads.

Adam's Apple Ranch. Trust Joe when he tells you that membership has its privileges. You haven't seen a Cowboy take a pounding that hard since Brokeback Mountain.

He could've played it off by saying people signed him up for it but his complete silence on it proves he's guilty. Plus him and Anthony are gay men so it makes sense.

Looking at any picture of Joe now, it's astounding that anyone was surprised to learn that he's a peter puffer.

It was right in front of us this whole time, but we missed the obvious

like Jimmy Saville

Took phone pic, mailed it to himself, printed it, scratched out the name, took another pic, posted that, sat back and congratulated himself for his technical savvy.

Of course he misused "I" in the first goddamn sentence

He really cares to use "me" and "I" correctly, but naturally fails at it. Any English-as-a-second-language fag would do it right.

Same with "who" and "whom," he almost invariably uses the wrong one.

Theyll be directly acknowledged within 3/4 days. I guarantee it.

Even to the point of shitting on ant as some kind of double-agent deep-cover slickness. He really is a boob.

You got me. The truth is that I am a giant faggot who drinks child spit. AMA

Hi Joe what're your thoughts on liberals

LIBTURDS! That's my good shit. Can I touch your penis? Here, put on this cowboy hat first.

hes right, no more cumming in butts guys. ok?

They WILL "never" be acknowledged again, except FOR this SELF-congratulatory "facebook" post where I FAILED to properly AFRICAN-AMERICAN (😅😅) out his name "".

What a fucking dope

That post IS an acknowledgement of the trolls, you fucking moron. Joe is a goddamn retard.

and thats the triple truth, ruth

My name is Shelby and I'm here to say: It's fun to rap in a gay shirt way

This man seriously cannot be this dumb. Thanks for continuing to acknowledge us, you dumb fuckhead.

Ro Cumia was human garbage.

He got Raymour & Flanigan suspended?

He probably owes them money for a line of credit on a $150 ottoman.


Guess we know which Cumia sibling won't be getting power-of-attorney over Nana when she drinks and Xanax's herself into the dementia ward.

I thought feed nana was about feeding his mom? I still don’t understand this. Is nana ant or roe?

It's about Ant because he looks like an old woman.

Hence, #FeedNana.

Feed nana is Ant eating Sue’s cum.

...pretty horrendous shit hoping to get a reaction from my life partner and I.

I saw them in the transgender sub the other day! Sucha cute life partner picture! He got the girl alright!

Joe's a fucking leech, but #StarveNana is probably the closest he'll ever come to a clever retort. Plus it makes his brother facepalm. Can't we just give him this one?

He seriously doesn't get it.

Anyone with a "burner" app number can pretend to set up a gig with Joe then text him Roe images.

Is this motherfucker forgetting that he went on national TV to clear up a mess that this sub made, and then mentioned us without any prompting?

We've already won, Joe.

Also, he's not a pedophile.

He is not a pedophile, we’ve heard. But he is a racist. And it is significant distinction. Because racist, your honor, can enter contracts. Thank you.

Dumbass doesn't realize saying the word Nana in any capacity is a point for us.

This is the dumbest retard who ever lived. And I clean the restrooms at Panera Bread.