Joe Derosa. Comedian. Actor. Racist.

1  2018-11-05 by JustPooch


The distance between his neck to his "shoulders" is four inches.

Where's your shoulders Joe?

Hey Joe DeRosa, why the long shoulders?


Big Bang Theory extra looking fuck

What’ll his black friends think about this?

They like he keeps it real they respect him

I laughed really hard at this.

no joke i remember meeting him a year or two ago in a starbucks. i was polite and complimented his appearances on both o&a and tough crowd

all of a sudden, i bring up patrice and he just goes insane

"nigger" this "nigger" that, "you realise it's the jews, right?" i just nodded and left with my (m)girlfriend

weird guy, funny, but weird, genuinely.

Listening to Uninformed, you would never have thought that Joe was "aware".

Um, they did a whole episode where Derosa was the only one calling out jews in media.

Can you hook up a brotherman with a link ?

its worth listening to the whole series, its just 8 episodes

Thanks buddy.
He's on the nose and Burr is acting all squirmy. I get that he tries to keep the "laughs going", but he really is throwing Joe under the bus.
The jewish hole is of course conveniently oblivious to Joe's arguments.

I never expected a Joe Deorsa redemption arc but everything you're telling me right now is making me happy.

Fuck it, Joe rules.

Wtf!? I love stupid DeRosa now...

Sometimes you just gotta show your powerlevel

Believed everything about your story besides the part about Joe Derosa being "funny".

I would've sucked his cock right there. Heil Joe!

Sounds legit to me

You have to be a rare type of faggot to dislike Patrice O'Neal.

Whats an (m)girlfriend? A Male girlfriend? Like a gay guy? Im honestly genuinely confused.

Wtf I love Joe now

I don’t drink, but I’d buy his.

But It is the kikes though

So, once again, I make my case that stand up is a dying form of entertainment......

QVC host

Anti-Semitism has NO place on this sub

Semites has NO place on earth.

Cenobites will, like Nana did to Sue's and Jimmy hoped to do to his Viking prince's asshole, tear your soul apart.

Cenobites... in Hellraiser 2 we found out they work for the LEVIATHAN. Which is simply Jimmy's Vikings dong which somehow wound up becoming the king of hell.

Now where's my rubik's cube

We're very pro-semites, most pro-semite sub around.

No no no, it's spelled SEMEN

Nothing but respect for the state of Israel.

I'm all in with the chosen ones.

I stand with Israel our greatest "friend"

Blow me kike jews hate us why not throw there bulshit back at them (((Amy Schumer)))

If we ignore all character traits and focus purely on physical appearance, Joe is easily the most punchable face in the O&A universe. Others are more handsome, others are more ugly, others are much more strange to look at, but nobody deserves a fist to the nose like Joe DeRosa.

No way is Derosa more punchable than Sam.

I don't about that. Sam is a disgusting neanderthal who, even by way of a punch, I would not want to touch.

Voiceless Joe vs Voiceless Sam--> Punch Joe Joe vs Sam+1word --> Aim for that manchild's chin

Sam. Sam is easily the most punchable. Come on, man.

Filthy Egyptian

That’s not true, he’s not a comedian

So, wait, what? We hate DeRosa again now? I'm so confused

If you actually think people like this faggot you're as big of a dumb cunt as he is

I like him and frankly I think you're an egyptian fucking nigger.

Did something happen or are we just giving this another spin?


Joe “6,000,000 More Please” DeRosa

Would be a real shame if someone spread this actual Derosa quote all over social media. REAL SHAME....

There are tons of these. Nobody cares about Joe DeRosa on the outside.

I kinda like the guy, but this had me chuckle.

he can keep getting away with it

Nice Brylcreem, stupid

But I like racists

I saw Millie Bobby Brown run up to him backstage to politely ask him for an autograph.
He pushed her down to the ground and yelled "I don't like trannies!" Most shocking thing I ever saw.

Man, it's good these stories are coming out finally. We can't let this guy and his heinous views from abusing these poor victims. #joetoo

Joe isn't anti-Semite. Joe is anti-termite.

i fucking hate that picture

There's no way he's more racist than Bert Kreischer. Bert Kreischer is the most racist comic working today.

Bert is from Florida deep southern racism is in his blood.

Allow me to introduce you to Luis J. Gomez.

Nice just-got-out-of-the-bathtub fingertips, stupid.

With all of the evolution and growing that we've done in this sub over the decades, I'm glad we can keep the important things in perspective.

Careful what you joke about Inquisition.

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He look like a shoulderless Clark Kent.

These Arabs always hate Jews.

Lol no they dont look at the Palestinians suffering the Shia on the other hand aren't sellouts if you think a jew is cheap meet a Saudi lol

So was all the concern about Anthony and DeRosa's black friends nothing more than cover?

"Everyone's talking about race now, right?"

Couldn't even be bothered to read passed that. It's the literal equivalent of saying, "Airline food, yeah? You guys know what I'm talking about, right?"

wow what a wanna be faggot. a lame generation X'r masquerading as a vapid millennial. smug cock sucker. kike lover.

I like the cut of his jib.

The irony of a Jew talking about evil coming from non-Jews.

I fucking hate that one painted in curl like he's Clark Kent. His airbrushed skin is also enraging.

Well, he’s right for the most part.

I saw Joe at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Isn't Joe really egyptian? They love Hitler over there. LOVE him! No joke, Mein Kampf is being sold on street corners.

Tell you what though, when black people get too much mental stress, they don't get depressed and stay home, they go out out in public and act fucking nuts.

Lol Alt-right Joe Derosa

I was wearing my yamulke increasing rent on my tenants when I saw Joe outside smoking a cigarette I went to go give him a handshake and he slapped me in the face and said "get the demon kike beanie off it will make a mess of my oven" then he cast a spell to regrow my foreskin.

Should I report this as rape?

If you actually think people like this faggot you're as big of a dumb cunt as he is

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Did something happen or are we just giving this another spin?