Continued success.

1  2018-11-05 by RBuddCumia


Pete Rose and the guy who took Walt in Lost

I dont know that particular looneys but theres one in my town in college park MD. You know who usually plays there? 20-30 year old "bands" who dropped out of highschool live at home with their parents and think theyre gonna make it someday

B-B-But.... we have no talent or fans or profits!


StuyTown is a big apartment building complex. LOSER!

Holy shit. He was playing at a playground? Well. If you allegedly need spit from children I guess that’s the best place to get it.

Like it was a, uh.......dodgeball convention, I dunno.

Joe Solo

Imagine being a 65 year old man who behaves like a college freshman.

This piece of garbage sure loves Denny's

It’s not like there’s any better food options in New York City.

Definitely something to brag about.

B-b... b b b-b-b-..... b b because you're not a real musician, stupid. Now put your trifocals back on and die.

Hope there were no arabs exhibiting their foreign privilege in that Denny's.

The concept that a musician may also have to get up and work a real job doesn’t even occur to him.

Swallow Joe, Autistic Mo

How can you be so full of yourself as a rightfully failed artist? There's no shame in on not making it big, but he couldn't even get shitty bar gigs with his own soullessly awful music. He has to do uninspired renditions of other people's work to pay half his rent.

It's becoming unhealthy how much I hate that stupid fucking asshole.

He's doing a 10 am concert?