2U Live from Looneys: Holy shit, check out the fat fucking gut on Joe. Jesus

1  2018-11-04 by crookedmile


he looks like a pear in a hat.

I know I shouldn't judge based on a cell phone video but I think the old bono they had was better than this new one. i'll save final judgment for when I see them in person though!

Get to around 7:20 where he mesmerizes the crowd of family, friends and waitstaff

It's uh...like a....like a fat gut convention or something.

"Sundaes, nutty sundaes. Sundaes, nutty sundaes. Let's go!"

He’s got a new job as Fred from Brooklyn’s stunt double

Enjoyed a few too many treats.

Wasn't he bragging about how easy it is to lose weight earlier this year?

Nice work, Joe.

From Edge to table

Well they're better than almost journey