The City of Manhattan.....

1  2018-11-04 by Virginia_Beach

That is possibly the best opening sentence of a book I’ve ever read. This will haunt him till the end of his life.


Anthony is only capable of mistakes, lies, and impressions, and he's pretty bad at all 3

I hate AntH as much as the next guy, but his impressions are one of the few things he's still capable of doing.

He was, he hasn't done anything new since 2007.

I think Dice is his most modern impression.

Which he came up with in the 90's?

There's a million dreams and a million stories in this town.

And a million under-age boys

Ah, the core of the Big Apple.



The city of Townsville...

Does the book mention Sue?

yes in chapter 2

Those no way those 2 ghost writers weren't just made up and slapped on the cover to make Ant seem like he's still a relevant and important man. Faggot probably drunkenly spewed his half-remembered stories into a tape record one afternoon and then paid some Indian on Fiverr to type it up in Word.

Or he went out and got two of the cheapest amateur ghostwriters he could find.

Probably some other long islanders who his friends told him were good guys for the job. He hires writers the same way he hires people who run his network: fellow, easy white trash.

Funny how the guy who hates affirmative action never hires anyone on their merit.

I think ghost writer is a bit misleading. They just transcribed what he said, basically word for word. Monotonous work that requires no thinking and minimal attention.

One guy transcribed the recordings, the other guy edited the transcripts and pieced them together in a semi-coherent order. It's "writing", sort of, technically, but not really the kind of thing that's going to shine on your resume or anything.

He knew some little tidbits and factoids before the internet was around and all people knew that and had access to it so he styled himself "Professor Anthony" and the smart one of the trio. The only college graduate of the group was styled as the dumb one, and this high school flunkout drunk was called, "The Professor." They're all idiots. This is up there with any stupid thing Opie and Jimmy said, like, "Can you get podcasting equipment into the city?" and "What's in salt water that's so bad for people?" as a stupid statement, but this is the opening sentence of a book he's charging money for and worked with two other people on. A trio of people and a book publisher let the phrase, "City of Manhattan" slip by them and they charge money for it.

"Professor Anthony" was the other even dumber guys mocking him for knowing anything.

This is the chip son cartoon of the book world

Dago retard.

How many people must have seen that retarded first sentence? No one pointed out that manhattan is a borough in the CITY of New York? Or that manhattan doesn't have 8 million people but 1.6?

Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.

I think right after he opines on the third borough of New York City having 8.5 million people in it, he says, "That's a real shitload of people." The people involved knew enough to know how to know how many people were in New York City to within one hundred thousand people, an internet search, but didn't know enough to realize Manhattan is just a part of New York City and just the third most inhabited part of it with less than two million people in it.

Here comes Professor Anthony and GED Jimmy and two ghostwriters a publisher to fuck it all up on the FIRST SENTENCE.

Manhattan isn't a city right?

Sure it is. It's in Kansas.

Maybe that's the place he's talking about? Have to bring some new stories we haven't heard a thousand times in his new book.

its fucking boring there. all the mall cops hang themselves in the mop closets.

Manhattan is one of the five boroughs of New York City. We know Ant isn’t bright; but even Bobo knows Manhattan isn’t a city.

I'm convinced that one or both of the ghost writers decided to sabotage his book. Either that or they're fucking morons.

I'll be happy either way.

Those two categories could exist within the same person, and the result would be indistinguishable from what has been produced.

Barely literate garbage.

"It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer I lost my job by calling black people niggers on twitter, and I didn’t know what I was doing in New York.”

The city of New York State.

How many writers worked on this fucking big text picture book? No one caught that? Its the opening sentence.

all of Jimmys books have size 24 font to make them more than 100 pages. must of taught ant some of his tricks.

First line on Manhattan's wikipedia page: " Manhattan (/mænˈhætən, mən-/), often referred to locally as the City..." Nice try with the hate though.

That’s like saying The ATL of Atlanta.

even if i gave you that, then how do you explain the "8 million people" part

There's 8 million people in the city. Manhattan is know as the city.

you are retarded.

No you

Manhattan is the island, New York is the city.

Big Apple, 3 AM

The City Of of the famed Five Cities of New York Borough.

I'd had the best of times in this town, little did I know I was about to encounter the worst of times.

Even the editor couldn't make it past the foreword... Atrocious.

What an absolute hack.

New York, New York. Its a hulleva town. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

The city of tomorrow, for the man of today.

Anthony is so aware of his surroundings. Go bag faggot.


I hate AntH as much as the next guy, but his impressions are one of the few things he's still capable of doing.
