Ugly as ugly gets.

1  2018-11-04 by RBuddCumia


is that James L Brooks?

Thought he looked familiar.

It's Eric Clapton, Joe is crying at Compound East.

Thank you. Couldn’t figure out who it was.

Hahahaha. The fact he’s trying to hide his ugly by growing that beard has gone from grotesque to just plain hilarious. You know every single thing this little turd does is to make up for the fact he will never look normal or be physically attractive to anyone.

More like James Hell Brooks

Sam actually looks human when he covers up that primate mouth

Not really, his upper lip mustache is so fucking weird, why is it like a patch

Dumb girl in the back ain't bad.



Too Jewy

I bet a slight tilt of the head and her giant hook nose is exposed.

Well this is New York City.

I bet all she's thinking about is how to get the most pictures at whatever event this is and puke them all out on social media in a hollow attempt to make her more attractive "friends" jealous.

A Chinese restaurant owner and an Iranian heroin addict...

Jesus god. Didn’t think it was possible for Sam to look any more ape-like.

His hair looks like my dog's hair after it goes through my vacuum

UFC = Ugly: a) Faggot, b) Chimpanzee

Didn't know shit worms had teeth

nice balding eyebrows stupid

Don't you love Jim's wacky faces? Not at all too insecure to ever show authentic emotions. Just a zany fun lovin' guy!

I was just about to post this. All joking aside, with that felt-looking hair Sam is starting to look literally look like a muppet.

Look at these 2 queers having a date night.

Nice Brillo Pad

His facial hair looks exactly like the last skit in Jackass 2 when they shave their pubes and ass hairs and glue on to that guys face.

Even his beard is niggery

His facial hair looks exactly like the last skit in Jackass 2 when they shave their pubes and ass hairs and glue on to that guys face.

While Jim's wacky smile and Sam's Ron Pearlman mouth are aweful, I keep getting distracted by the fag with his backwards cap placed precariously on top of his head.

Yeah, I have a problem with that guy too

that's wigger rich, baby!

Jim really nailing the fake HIV is a livable disease smile.

Jim really nailing the fake HIV is a livable disease smile.

that jacket isn't cool and doesn't look good on you Velcro face


Documentary comes out, depression beard grows. Coincidence?


The fact he’s trying to hide his ugliness by growing that beard has gone from grotesque to just plain hilarious. You know every single thing this little turd does is to make up for the fact he will never look normal or be physically attractive to anyone ever

Jim looks nightmarish.

What the fuck is with the texture of sams facial hair?

Utterly disgusting. Neither of them have any shame showing themselves in public places.

Sam looks like he glued grizzly Adams coarse, thick, ass hair and pubes to his face

Was this a wacky radio bit? When did Sam glue pubes on his face?

Too Jewy